Just got a delivery of Gorilla Super Glue: Impact Tough Formula. My F3 was getting a little round. It's not a gel, but is it relatively thick. So the wood is not absorbing it as quick.
Oh I would like to know of im doing something wrong. Not in a mean way just I would like to have my spikes glued right.
@Congarranza when you said impact tough does that mean if you drop it on the spike nothing will happen? I glued the spike on my first Kendama and I have dropped it and now the top is pretty much flat, will this glue prevent that.
No glue will prevent that. I think it's more dependent on how often and how hard you bang your spike onto a harder surface. Your solution would be to grab some sand paper and shape your spike with your desired tip shape. Then glue your spike again.
Cheap and free 2day shipping on Amazon prime. A nice blue cap. A gorilla on the sticker label that looks stuck to a piece of wood. Oh! And it's 100% tough, not 100% wimpy or even a fraction of a percent less than tough. But really, it's just glue. Whatever you used before. Don't use it again. You obviously weren't happy with the results, so try something else. I just showed a product that I had access to.
Okay so everyone is talking about Krazy glue and gorrila glue impact tough, so I'm wondering what is the best or if they are both different but still good, also I want to know which one is more durable.
suspended ON a cup, meaning i find a big enough cup for the ken, apply my glue, place it upside down (spike facing down) in the cup, so the glue will not dribble down the length of the spike.