I went rock climbing today and thought to myself, hey, maybe there's some dama-playing climbers! I've been climbing and doing kendama for a while, so I'm just seeing if there's anyone out there. If you are a climber, whats your favorite spot to climb at and why?
Yoooo climbing is one of my main activities! I live extremely close to Lake Tahoe, so that's my primary climbing area!! Plus dama always seems to mesh really well with climbing for me.
I have done it here and there but never dove into it. I'm moving to a new city in about a month and I think I'm going to try and get into it.
Love climbing. I like to do that kind of thing, parkour, rock climbing, free running, all so fun but I have always been in a gym so far. I live in the middle of Alberta, no rocks to climb within a bajillion miles. Anyone know good spots anywhere close to calgary, I doubt it, southwest Alberta is a giant desolate field
I live in Tahoe and there is a tremendous amount of climbing here. I don't have a ropes or a harness so I mainly boulder. Can't wait for summer!!
I live in Arkansas. I boulder and sport. I climb as Horsehshoe Canyon Ranch, Fern, Dardanelle Rock (15 min. from home), and Cowell mostly. Climbing was my first love thought before Kendama. Dardanelle Rock is my favorite spot. All the holds are weird and backwards and since most of the climbs are 5.10d and up there's not many newbies which is not a bad thing unless I'm projecting routes. Unfortunately theres plenty of druggies...