For cardistry, the instagram community mostly revolves around #bestcardistalive. There's a @bestcardistalive account that is moderated by 5 or more respected cardists. What they do is choose and repost videos and photos of cardistry that they feel should be shared for the benefit of the cardistry community, and it's also a way to spotlight cardists who aren't so well known but are skilled. I guess the above idea is a little more hands-on, but it might be worth considering. P.S. Just realized @slaylunars are pretty much doing the above
They were doing that... but it changed once they announced that they were a company selling stuff. Big difference between community driven page showing off tricks, and a company using the same concept to sell stuff, imo
Would you say that there is a page that is dedicated to reposting players tricks or that one needs to be made?
Should DS do this? I think DS should do this. And also cover news and hot topics for kendama. Maybe we could do like #DSfamous if you want to be reposted? (half joking) Or can we think of a better hastag?
DS definitely needs to do this. Someone in charge of social media that can repost tricks at all levels and cover some news, since Ben is doing that already. Who is gonna be the DS Detective?
@7Cabbages @Dæmon I think having the DS insta account do this is a great idea! Someone who isn't also a company / retailer keeps it less conflicted, and with DS being a community hub, I think the DS insta is perfect for it. I like the idea behind #trickcircle and that we're trying to replicate it, but I think using a similar hashtag is unnecessary. #DSfamous is pretty good actually #ekipsnwod I like as well... I guess backwards names are just my thing
I did not barely notice your username is your real name backwards, who said that??? hehe Yes, the DS insta should definitely try to implement this if they can. Good way to bring attention to up and coming players.
I feel like the DS insta could do a Best of #DSfamous once a week and repost the best tricks of that week.