Hello friendly Downspike user! I recently decided that I was going to buy myself a new, cheap, jammable ash natty from somewhere. After a little digging, I have found literally nothing. I now turn to the wise depths of the downspike forums... Any suggestions on any cheap(under $35) ash natties I could scoop? Much love, Blake
VIVEWOOD, ASH kendama with 3 stripe design made by laser engraving,unpainted natural ASH wood kendama with Spinner Kendama bead http://s.aliexpress.com/U7NFFZFv (from AliExpress Android) A lot of people will probably argue with me on this one but I think this is one of the best ash kens you can get for the price. You have to wait to get it but for real, this ken jams hard. It's not the best all ash ken but for the price it's seriously on point. Not all vivewood products are worth it but they have made some good ash wood products.
I'm not sure about pricing but RWB makes amazing Kendamas. They are restocking their store soon. I definitely recommend them.
Bump on the RWB Ash. Definitely a good buy. Deal With It also has some ash and zebrano barebones in stock. http://www.dealwithitsf.bigcartel.com/product/exotic-wood-barebones
Do you have one of those? Ive never seen the Vivewood brand before. They seem to have some ridiculously cheap kendamas. I know they wouldnt be the highest quality, but if you have any experience and can talk about them that would be awesome!
Yeah I have had several of them. The ash ones are the best and the only ones worth it in my opinion. You pay a little extra for shipping but it's still a good deal. I also want to say that if you aren't 100% about an all ash tama you can get a half split tama on an all ash ken for $10 plus shipping https://kendamasyndicate.com/product/blk-ashwalnut-half-split/
http://www.dealwithitstore.com/product/exotic-wood-barebones Just last week they were on sale for $20.00 a pop.
Yeeahhh the DWI Barebones would've been my suggestion too. I think Bonzai is about to release some new hardwood kendamas - no idea if they'll be within the 30 dollar mark, but maybe they would be an option in the future too.
DWI has some Terra Painted ash damas up for grabs! A little more than your posted price range, but they're guaranteed to jam hard!
Yeah go check out Fujin Kendamas they have nice naty's and keep your eyes peeled for Laced Kendamas new new