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Fasthands. Do 'em right.

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Shikey, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Shikey

    Shikey n00b

    Oct 11, 2016
    Christian Fraser is the person I know that gets most annoyed by this, but after hearing him talk about them I can see where he's coming from.

    Fasthand tricks seem to be on the rise amongst a lot of players, but not a lot of them do real fasthand tricks. What I mean by this, is that a lot of times it's a simple grip change really quick and not one fluid motion. I don't claim to be able to do them super clean, heck I can barely do them at all. But seeing fake fasthands has really started to bother me.

    What are your opinions?
    Apr 22, 2017
    Guy LaBorde likes this.
  2. Nick Lectura

    Nick Lectura Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Totally agree with Christian. It's not a fast hands if you spike it, wait a second, and then you switch grips. It has to be one fluid motion.

    EDIT: Just saw Christian's IG story and that is a good example. I don't consider it a fast hands (personally) if you spike it and then switch grips. It almost has to look like you're "throwing a dart" into the hole
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
    Apr 22, 2017
    Kendama London likes this.
  3. Guy LaBorde

    Guy LaBorde Honed Member

    Nov 27, 2016
    La Jolla, CA
    It seems like the only true fasthand tricks come with a downward motion, moving your hand down into the grip. Whenever the hand movement goes up, it isn't a "fast hand" but just a really fast grip change. That is how I see it (I agree with Fraser)
    Apr 22, 2017
    Jasper B. likes this.
  4. caraway chiba

    caraway chiba Member

    Jan 12, 2017
    Auckland, NZ
    I agree. Even though im not that good at fast hands and dont do them much, i still hate seeing people fully spike it, pause for half a second, then go for the grip change. It kinda takes the meaning out of fast hands and turns it into slow hands. Even though i get it into spike a little bit before the switch, the tama and sarado dont come into contact before the switch. I feel like thats the maximum contact you can get before you start calling it a grip switch if you know what i mean.
    Apr 22, 2017
    Jasper B. likes this.
  5. Jasper B.

    Jasper B. Slayer

    Dec 5, 2016
    San Diego
    That is the only type of fasthands I do.
    Downspike fasthands to airplane
    Stuntplane fasthands to spike
    Spike to stuntplane and airplane to downspike are more of switch grip type tricks to me than fasthands.
    Apr 22, 2017
    Guy LaBorde likes this.
  6. Dan Reinstein

    Dan Reinstein Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    I guess a good rule of thumb could be that the trick should be silent untill after you've changed grip. Otherwise the Ken and Tama have come into contact, stopping the movement of the Kendama and making so that your hands no longer neet to be truly fast...
    Apr 22, 2017
  7. Koisuru Stephen

    Koisuru Stephen Honed Member

    Nov 4, 2016
    I think this is like 99.9% accurate
    I've never seen a j stick fast hands that was real.
    However, Jarod Porter did some spike fast hands on his insta that are legit, so it can be done.
    Apr 22, 2017
  8. htimSxelA

    htimSxelA Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    I think like most tricks, you can do them clean and styling, or you can do them sloppy. Frankly, if you don't film it clean, don't expect props at the top level.

    Yea, those two are popular lately, but really tough to pull off properly.

    I do love Downspike fasthand and stunt plane fasthand though!
    Apr 23, 2017
    Guy LaBorde likes this.
  9. KeeganS

    KeeganS DS Legend

    Dec 6, 2016
    Boise, Idaho
    @goosetrik on insta has posted some really great fast hand tricks on his page, pretty much my go to when defining what fast hand tricks are.
    Apr 23, 2017
  10. Joel Clayton

    Joel Clayton Honed Member

    Nov 24, 2016
    St. George, UT
    I agree, A fast hand isn't spiking it waiting a moment then doing a fast hands. fast hand is doing it right as it gets to the spike

    A good example is when people do jstick fast hands, they do the j stick wait a second then fast hand it.
    Apr 23, 2017
  11. sorrywongnumber

    sorrywongnumber Honed Member

    Nov 5, 2016
    is this a legit fasthands?

    Apr 23, 2017
  12. Guy LaBorde

    Guy LaBorde Honed Member

    Nov 27, 2016
    La Jolla, CA
    Apr 23, 2017
  13. azleonhart

    azleonhart Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    People honestly believe they can get away with fast hands, but our auditory senses hardly betray us.
    We know when people spike first, then switch grip vs an actual fast hand!
    It's a fun, yet difficult trick to master, yet i believe everyone should have it in their arsenal of tricks.
    Apr 23, 2017
    Guy LaBorde likes this.
  14. Jasper B.

    Jasper B. Slayer

    Dec 5, 2016
    San Diego
    100% legit.
    Apr 24, 2017