Double lighthouse flip and triple j-stick. Should be studying for finals but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
My first around downspike, sweets special, around whirly, flip flop, and cushion tap! All laced today during a good sesh.
2 Turn Lunar. I was showing pops how I do a lunar and I said "This is how you do a 2 turn", then boom. Laced.
For some reason, i've never done a pull up swap 1.5 turn airplane before, so when i showed to a friend of mine and it went in after a few tries, maaaaaaaaan was that clack satisfying!
Landed a lunar flip to lunar to in, then i did a j stick lunar after that. Felt like a nice little lunar combo. Laced it on a viking
i just landed kwc 2017 10-7(in. lunar, lunar, back in. lunar, back lunar, turn in. actually i just fall it in hahaha). easy 100
Breaking in this candy apple cush viking and im seriously just lacing every stall trick. Landed a bird turn over the valley with a reverse bird turn back over to a nodding off and on to an earth turn in. I think that was my best combo yet.
I wasn't on my game today, didn't really get anything too crazy going... but I did watch @teejkolesnik get his lightning drop in, three tap airplane on though. Its a KWC... level 9? I like that trick. Sorry @Primechicken
Ha ha! I just dont think that trick (KWC 2017 level 9-2) is a good KWC trick because; 1) it's much too simple of a trick to be level 9 IMO. I'm not saying it's easy, but I don't think its even near the difficulty of the other level 9 tricks. 2) It's pretty much 2 tricks- lightning drop, and the triple tap. Sure, there's other tricks in the list where the spike/in does not signify the end of the trick, however usually those tricks are designed in a comprehensive pattern (e.g. 1-2-3 tricks, around the, double-double, etc.) so this one kind of sticks out to me as odd. Personally I think the trick would make more sense, and fit better as a level 9 trick if it was- lightning drop triple tap airplane (no fall in after the lightning drop- straight to tapping) This would increase the difficulty for sure and also feel/look like 1 trick, instead of 2 tricks combined. Kris Bosch's KWC trick from 2016 was 1-turn lighthouse double tap falling in and that was only level 6 (KWC 2016 level 6-4) so I was a little surprised for this trick to be in level 9.
Landed my first around kengarden! Not that special to many but for me landing that last downspike was very satisfying!