I have a 3D don Slaydawg and it's well seshed and I have only a few small paint chips but many dents. I recently bought a thorkild may pro model and I love the look. The ash is sweet but the tama keeps chipping and I'm barely using it. They are minor chips but all sorta oval shapes about a few millimeters big. Anyone else have this problem with the pmods? Like it's chipping so often I'm kinda mad
Dude my fish mod is thrashed. Don't glue the spike, if you did you won't have paint around your bevel. Like you'll be missing a good 3 inches all the way around. Def enough to notice a difference in play. I had a lot of fun on mine but the paint is not durable. I think it'd be ok if you don't glue your spike tho. The spike on my maple is a tank.
I'm not a spacewalk or string flow kinda player so I don't slam my damas into concrete. I pretty much always play indoors or over the dirt in my yard. This is exclusively from glueing my spike and why I recommend against it.
I don't know if this helps but I have a krom 6 year birthday dama that I've abused pretty heavily including a lot of missed spikes and smashing on the ground. There are a few parts where the paint is coming off mainly around the bevel however I would say that it's held up really well
Here's my thorkild mod and this is just one of the chips. You can see that it's a fresh tama but like there's these chips a couple other places. My don never did this
All those tan ovals are down to the ash wood. I'm just confused. I'm not playing sloppy or anything. This is within like a day of sesh
That fish mod is totally thrashed. How old is it? The other ones look pretty normal to me as far as slaydawg wear goes. It's like anything that's performance oriented; A Ferrari is gonna be less durable than a Toyota Tacoma. Also, if you click "insert into post as thumb / full image" it's easier to see it in the thread.
Yeah I'm sure it's normal wear but I was just wondering why it chipped like that when my other slay dog didn't. Thanks!
Mmm I don't really agree with this as a general statement. With Terra stuff, the goal is performance and durability, I see them as going hand-in-hand. I would be bummed if someone bought something and felt they had to baby it so it didn't break. Hence the reason you'll often see @RodDama chucking around some unbelievably beat and dirty handturned Terra kens. If it can't stand up to his play, it isn't going up for sale! In general though, when you smack two pieces of wood together, something has gotta give. Gluing a spike will speed up destruction (like @Andrew Payne showed us, dang that thing is properly beat!), but even without gluing it, the signs of play will become clear over time. Obviously you don't want the paint to chip too quickly though! I have a few Slaydawgs, and have been happy with how the paint has held up. It has chipped a bit over time, but nothing obscene imo
The 3DDON and the bday slaydawg both have some sort of primer underneath the general design on the tama, but with the Nihon slaydawgs and the prodawgs, it's a translucent finish, meaning that there is no primer underneath all of the paint. Therefore, the paint is less durable on damas where you can see the grain versus damas where the grain is hidden by the paint.
Near as I can tell, this is a common problem with ALL dawgs. My 3d-don has this problem, and a friend's bday did this too. It seems like a 1/3 chance you'll get a "chippy" one. MIne still slays, it's just annoying is all.
This makes sense to me and is also backed up by some personal experience. Anyone else have some thoughts on this?
Same thing is starting to happen to mine. Glued spike. Not a string flow guy. And stopped playing it because I didn't want to destroy it so fast.
Yeah basically what I think is that there's no under coat beneath the LOL so it's less durable in the pro mods. Also @htimSxelA I agree. I think it should be durable and honed
I agree as you can see from my pictures, my Don held up and only dented. Never really chipped only kinda got degraded then picked off a little bit some spots unlike my pro mod where it just flakes off down to the wood