So I read the other thread about this trick before posting but that one really only deals with pulling up to bird. I'm having trouble with big cup to bird and I can't seem to figure out where the hole should be when I land big cup. Any tips? I've also noticed that I can sort of roll the tama up to bird but the hole doesn't sit on the rim so it's harder to keep the balance but it's not undoable so to say. Does anyone else land bird without the tama hole on the rim? Or is that the preferred way to pull off this trick?
So the way I do big cups to bird to to have the hole facing you, and then you toss the tama up like you're about to do a spike, and try to catch the hole onto the rim of the cup and tilt your ken slightly forward.
I use the same position as big to spike, except move my ken until it the tama is on the cup rim. Eventually, it gets really easy when you get the motion down, so consistancy is KEY
Thanks everyone! I'm starting to get the hang of it now I think. I've landed it about a third of the time that I've tried today.
I like to swing into bird, and it gets you into the habit of really spotting the tama hole to land on top of the big cup. Once you've got that then anytime you have the tama on any cup with the hole up, it's the same motion as going to spike but you've got the muscle memory and timing to hit that bird. Hope that helps.
try using some of @Steezdiaz slaybands, they are so sick for birds. also try to get the hole facing towards you for a bird, helps a lot.
You can do a sort of roll up from big cup to bird. Do pull-up bird, then 'roll' the ball back to the big cup. Then the hole should be in the right place to roll it back up to bird.
The best way to master this is to perfect your big cup to spikes, no matter where the tama hole is facing! This teaches you tama control, a highly useful skill in kendama. Once you think you've got enough exp, try spiking the tama silently enough - this is to force you to use your knees more, thus improving your hang and spot time! Oh, and also.. KNEEEEEES BABY The trick you just described, is called naughty bird. A super trick to pull off during ken games!
Try to get the rim of the cup right underneath the small hole on the tama that the string feeds out of. Aiming for that when going for spikes or birds helps a lot because you know that the bugger hole is right on the direct opposite end.
I should really check my threads more often! I've been busy with school the past few weeks but all of this is definitely helpful! Thanks everyone