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Fantasy Kendama...

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Edric Owen Ladera, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    Hey guys,

    So it's been a while since the trick list for KWC was released, a couple of comps & petitions that will bring players to japan, hearing thoughts & insights of pro players of going to kwc or C&F, etc.. What really boggles my mind is a make believe situation of possible kendama related happenings(i.e. pro mods,drafts,top 10,change of status for players,comeback) you name it!!! So, I wanna hear your voice & start a some sort of a fantasy league for kendama.

    I'l try frequently adding some criteria/branch into this this fantasy dama. First of is DRAFTS(Before & after) for KWC.

    Most certain for SWEETS will get all/most of their players joining this year.(maybe willy could be out cause he's in college? i don't know)
    KUSA as usual will have their top players(atleast) that include Nobu,Slay,Logan,TJ,Dylan,Joris,Haley.
    Also maybe a comeback for keith matsumura? and a possible draft of chris june to the tribe team.
    KROM as usual will have Bonz,Fisch & Rolf along with lukas & ben mastek,and;
    Maybe a slight possibility of having Ocean M. join the krom squad(judging from his recent set ups being krom)
    PNW will also go all in! & may get Mikey Schelling to join them :/
    RWB will get atleast 2/3 pros to join...
    GT will stick with stodd & eli, maybe add 2bears,micha, & hopefully ben herald... plus maybe adrian esteban.
    Sol can/'t join & could only bring a few like Kev desotto, lyndon, alise(is that correct?), & PETER RAMOS!!!
    Terra would have eric & junya. could include misumi soon...
    DWI will go all in??? jarod,kozo,hinata,chiro

    wildcard players such as soma fujita will join with possiblities being part of KUSA or PNW...
    yukie nao will be in it as well & could score sponsorship for gloken... or any company interested
    Trebs for Cobra.
    Maybe 1-3 players of slaylunars may join?

    that's my fantasy draft for KWC. what's yours?
    Jun 10, 2017
    James Sevilla likes this.
  2. Ryan Brewer

    Ryan Brewer Honed Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    Long Island, New York
    that didn't make much sense to me.
    Jun 10, 2017
  3. sorrywongnumber

    sorrywongnumber Honed Member

    Nov 5, 2016
    haha this seems pretty cool and most of these may come true who knows. being on the sol street team now has opened me up to a lot of competitions but im not going to kwc bc its way too expensive
    Jun 11, 2017
  4. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    are you saying im quite accurate? ahahahaha well it's fantasy so it's all willy nilly...
    Jun 12, 2017
  5. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    how? just like the first one says, its going to be fantasy. so any crazy predictions are ok with this thread. of course i would like to tackle first who will join kwc cause i can't go top ten places in kwc if no one from my predictions will joi or will not make to finals...

    also it's say before & after. so any draft/addition to any team is the one i anticipate.
    Jun 12, 2017
  6. James Sevilla

    James Sevilla Honed Member

    Oct 18, 2016
    Dublin, CA (Bay Area)
    Well slaylunars isn't really much of a sponsorship company (its like a spreading the dama love type thing), and smaller companies like DWI, Terra, Sol, RWB, and PNW I don't think have sent even 1 person out to KWC at all, so it wouldn't make sense to send more than 1 person this year, and most likely they haven't been practicing. (Except for like Peter Ramos)
    Jun 12, 2017
    Bagel likes this.
  7. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    @James Sevilla you know it's just fantasy right? but i get your point. it's true that the likes of RWB didn't send anyone yet for KWC(except damon when he was still in roots) With PNW,DWI & Terra won't go empty without any players for kwc to join, so they will have their japanese players there. remember, PNW will be releasing their promods soon to fund their trip to kwc or atleast sell it to kwc to cover their expenses. With Deal with it they only have Jarod Porter as their main player out of japan so atleast they'll make a way. Terra on the other hand never misses a single world cup, unless maybe this year. But don't get me wrong they will & they will be!

    as for sol, they might do this year. of coarse they'll send out kev cause he's been once to there & maybe get Lyndon & Peter join. well funds for them is can be reserve, but whatever happens, i think sol can have someone join this year
    Jun 13, 2017
  8. Brandon Jensen

    Brandon Jensen Slayer

    Mar 8, 2017
    San Diego, California
    Add the word "league" instead of the 3 dots. This posts title is way different than what it actually is about.
    Jun 13, 2017
    Edric Owen Ladera likes this.
  9. Congarranza

    Congarranza DS Legend

    Jan 10, 2017
    Camarillo, CA
    Or Fantasy KWC League
    Jun 13, 2017
  10. Thomas Ishikawa

    Thomas Ishikawa Honed Member

    Oct 13, 2016
    Indianapolis, IN
    If you're wanting to do more of a prediction/fantasy style, I would suggest something like MKO where it's not based on a point system and is rather a head to head match-up. What I can see as a possible game is something like the March Madness College Basketball Bracket where we predict winners for each match-up. I know it would be super difficult to come up with these sort of brackets since we don't know all of the participants until the last minute (cause i think they have late registration, please correct me if I'm wrong) but it could be a fun way to guess who might win the tournament. For those of you not from the US, this bracket game is really popular in the United State where we predict who wins in each head-to-head match out of the 64 teams participating in the tournament. It's almost impossible for anyone to predict a 100% bracket outcome but that's really the whole point is to see how accurate you were and how many upsets come up throughout the tournament.
    Jun 13, 2017
    Congarranza likes this.
  11. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    i could but putting league can be a hard thing to do. just the concept of like scoring or favors just don't get in my head. that's why im sticking to just fantasy kendama because it's just casual predictions. i don't want to start a fire of contradicting comment. if you know what i mean?
    Jun 13, 2017
  12. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    like i said on top this is progressive... i won't just stop at kwc. this one goes on & on. catch & flow, mko, & other major comps gets into this thread. plus other people can get other events here to make fantasy of.
    Jun 13, 2017
  13. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016

    hhhmmm brackets could be nice but it's kwc so at least a leaderboard is great for it, unless it's c&f. but would only tackle on drafts first before the actual comp cause not everyone we expect will join nor make it. so im just emphasizing only on who will join rather than who would make it/ who would win...
    Jun 13, 2017
  14. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    my predictions had come true!!! misumi is in the flow team for terra!!!
    Jun 26, 2017
    Congarranza likes this.
  15. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016