I notice that a ton of the yung'ins tend to write "no hate" after nearly ANYTHING they post online. This can include: obvious hate obviously not hating in any way constructive criticism something that is not offensive at all Is this related to outrage culture and a need for safe spaces? What if I told you, that if you write your thoughts eloquently, you don't need to waste time writing "no hate but" / rant
Whenever someone writes that, subconsciously i want to hate on whatever they said a little more. Idk what it is.
I think the "no hate" comments specifically when it applies to kendama is part of a larger misconception of "kendama positivity." Surely there are unhelpful and hateful comments in the community. But I think criticism and the speaking out of opinions or points of view should be allowed. Not only allowed but actually celebrated. Diversity within the kendama community is a good thing, and will only happen if people can speak their mind or make certain points without immediately being labeled as a hater.
Whenever someone starts a conversation with “trust me”, i know fosho that i can expect the opposite. Also, the whole “no hate” thing gets pretty annoying, very quickly. It’s right up there along with “lol jk” and “trolled”. I applaud people taking the time and vernacular to speak their minds in a proper way, and i defend their right to say it, but when you wanna make your point in a behavior worse than an angsty youngling, you’ll probably be treated as such, or even ignored. TL/DR: The way you carry yourself matters.
"yo no disrespect, but I just don't respect you at all" (this actually reminds me of the other day, I was biking home on a side street, and this dude ripped up behind me in a car, honking his horn. He got up next to me, rolled down his window, and started with "Listen man, I ride my bike every day, I get it...." and then went on to tell me about how I should be biking in the door lane. I mean, thats dumbass advice anyway, but who really thinks that starting in with a line like that is going to work?)