I have a beech TJ mod! It was one of just a couple samples made when he was testing out different stuff for the ken. I don't think they've produced any more like that since then.
If they're not going to do a new pro model series soon, I would like to see a v4 update with the 2.0 shape. Maybe even a slim shape if they could get that.
I talked with Jake wiens a couple months ago and I think he said he was redesigning his pro mod soon, or he was in the process, I could be wrong though.
I just got my Jake Wiens mod yesterday so this topic hits on point for me! Love it, the weights are nice, does some great ken flips and lighthouses (love KUSA silk paint very much to this day) but MAN is that Kaizen 1.0 spike SHORT! The lunar balance is honestly terrible. Works out for me since I don't do lots of lunars, but a 2.0 shape would be amazing considering that I love the design of it, and many of the older KUSA pro mods. Would love to see this happen for KUSA. Many people would cop, I'd think.
The way i remember it is that the spikes on the OG Kaizens are short so when they're broken in the cups will have worked it's way to the perfect position on the ken, making the spike a better/more balanced length.
Oh yes, for sure the cups do go down with play eventually. However, the V1 Kaizens are definitely infamous for their short spikes. I still think that after a fair amount of play, the spike is still shorter than the average other company standard kendama. Not to say that old Kaizens are bad - I own a good number of that shape and play them all, but the 2.0s are certainly a great improvement. Would love to see the upgrade!
@Jenny Cho The short spike peeve is actually my one gripe about PNW kens too. But to continue the subject, yes the 2.0 shape would definitely be a great step for future/upcoming KUSA pro mods
@Jenny Cho @KeeganS Short spikes of any sort are an easy fix. Get yourself a small bit of sandpaper (something like 220 grit would be perfect), pull the cups off, and sand the spike gently, in the area where the cups would sit if they were still on the spike. You really don't need to sand all that much in order to make a difference. Go slow, and test fit the cups back on every so often. If you leave the string on, be wary of sanding the string, you can fray it, which can lead to it breaking later during play.
That was my plan. I have kenditioner on my PNW pro mod but it'll be an easy fix to reapply to the sanded down area
+1 on this. I do this with nearly all my damas. Very few come with an ideal spike length, however my 2.0 ash select is one of those few.
I like the idea of keeping the current pro mods as OG (with the obvious exception) and any future pros as the new shape. But I guess it depends on what that pro likes in their kendama shape.
I think that it would be a good idea to make a 2.0 variant of the pro mods(and maybe some in different woods) while leaving some of the old v1-shape pro mods in stock so that it doesn't completely go away for collectors. There is an exception for Bray's bamboo mod due to it already having the 2.0 shape(it was the first to do so), but maybe his 2015 champ mod could use a little update. Who knows?