Looking to order a new dama tomorrow just wanted to get everyones take on what are there favorite jams and what would be the best option to get for all around play
What price point? If you are newish and are looking for something cheap to beat up the Sweets Prime is rad. Mid range I would vote KUSA Craft or Homegrown. If you have money to spare, everything GT is amazing. I've really wanted a DWI dama as well.
Money is no issue, As of right now I have a sweets prime and the make waves pro mod 1.0 I was thinking about a Krom slaydawg or either a Craft plus I just wanted some more opinions about what would be best
I have a Craft slim Ash and love it. The Craft plus (or slim plus) look fantastic. Everyone loves Slawdawgs, never played one myself. GT are amazing. Absolutely love it and would recommend it for sure. Rez still has a few kens for sale. Rez is real different feeling, but fantastic none the less. My vote would be GT.
Yup! Sounds like you have two sticky tamas. Next step is silk or natty. GT's, crafts, PNW, and never forget to check the DS Exchange for sweet deals!!
You've come probably bought something by now but I would seriously recommend a slaydawg, you'll hit new tricks more often
I haven't I'm very indecisive right now it's a hard choice lol I do really want that maple slaydawg though everyone seems to say they're amazing
Ended up adding the new Sweets prime max norcross pro mod and pre ordered the give a dama so I think I'm set for the future!
The Bday Krom is one of the best kendamas out there in my opinion...the paint holds up like a German tank and the lunar balance is VERY GOOD!