Probably once they stop selling out through kroms webpage. Since they are easily selling them though their webpage they don't have a reason to sell em elsewhere. I could be wrong though.
Whoa dude, me too! My mom went to high school there and my grandpa was the guy on the radio. I bet our moms were friends. PM me haha
I wonder if Kusa is worried about the pop undercutting their own product line..? You can buy the pop on Amazon $35 shipped FYI
Hmmm. Those companies are like best buds. There's potential for a shared margin based on a minimal order or whatever bro deal they fist pumped. \m/
Haha!! The next joke is when you actually search amazon for a POP: I hear these guys slay in the studio…
Was there any more info on these? Are they dropping for the public or just a kwc thing. Also I think and GT-BH OG PURP would be sick.
Most of them dropped already. I got a hongboots. The librarian sold out. The spec. KA didn't drop. I guess they sold out at kwc.
Oh I didn't know they. I thought they dropped all three at the same time online. Was GT-KA just not an option?
Yea. No option for it. And now that I think ab it. The librarian was a stodd mod. Not a BH. So they must have sold out of those too. But yea they dropped them at separate times.