hey guys so i'm in the market for a new dama soon, and i'm willing to buy old dams off you! preferably anything other than tributes. let me know if you have anything, or willing to trade( although all my kendamas are seshed)
2 jammers for $17 shipped (essentially $12 plus shipping) https://www.downspike.com/threads/2-for-17.1961/
i can get you a very much new dama for 10ish https://www.downspike.com/threads/mystery-dama-package.2021/ I can take out tributes i guess if you are really against them
Honestly like a value brand gt! Its nice but you know the shape is supposed to be a gt. Ill let er go for cheap! And ship today.
If I did happen to buy it one day, would it be okay if I got a weight-matched San tama with it if you still have any?