Whenever I try to do juggle I usually don't hit the tama hard enough, I hit the tama to the great beyond then the string pulls it back and hits me in the face or I never catch the kenflip right. So could anyone give me tips on how to juggle?
Pull the tama up only to just below chest height, then do a relatively fast ken flip. Try not to rush any of it tho and throw the tama back up gently. Catch ken and land big cup. Hope this helped, good luck!
It took me about 2 weeks to get it right. Watch videos and pay attention to the timing. Focus on just the height of the tama pop first. Then just work on the ken. When you feel like have each of those down, individually, try on a stringless setup. Work that. Once you have that down, add the string.
Welp its been almost a week and I'm still having a problem with the kenfip, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong sometimes the ken flips way into the air its so hard for me to do a sing kenflip as a tap the tama up. Can someone please give a detailed explanation? Thanks
Im having trouble throwing tama after throwing the ken. Everytime i do it i either slap it(too hard or too soft) or i get it perfectly down. But whenever i try to recreate that feeling of hitting the tama perfectly, i just go back to slapping it and jt hurt my god damn hands --" Fyi: ive been practicing juggles for almost a year every now. Am i doing something wrong?
you could try doing it stringless or getting two tennis balls and trying to juggle one handed. I was learning how to juggle for 6 months or so, decided to try and do it with tennis balls, and managed to get single juggles down just a few weeks later. After that, multiple juggles is just grinding them out and getting the timing right.