Hi! I'm looking for some creative dama dares. The best trick i can do is lunar, would prefer something that includes stalls.
I'll have to try this! I am not too good at kengrip underbird and I've never done a trade bird, but I can probably get it in a little bit. edit: Nah, I actually think ill need to get a little better for this, but I'll keep it in mind.
inward swing in bird, front flip over the valley, frontflip in. Or if thats above your level, you can do regular swing in and regular flips.
*Bump* lighthouse tre flip? idk if anyone has ever done this or if it's possible, but I think it would be cool for someone to lace.
I think I will get it shortly but it is hard from ken grip. Sara grip is easier for me because that is the grip I learned underbird from originally.
One of my favorite tricks I've been playing with recently would be 1 turn trade spikes (I believe that's what they're called?) Here's a clip I got last night!
So it's Downspike, you flip the ken and land it in airplane, over and over means you can go back to Downspike and catch it is airplane, then grip change back to Downspike, then flip to airplane etc.