Prime v8 throwback fraser mod. I don't really know why because the cushion is slippery and the lunar balance is bad, but idk.
A reverse Jared Porter pro model in full maple. I just discovered that DWI Sticky AF paint is my new fav paint!
Dude, same! The one thing about the JP is that the stripes come off easily. I recommend you try DWI tripsplit X Sweets Maple NextGen or Prime
For that case, you really need to break it in. I had a cushion tama that was slippery, but after jamming it, then not using it for a week, it's too grippy which is a problem
nice! I'm really curious to know how the v9s play, how do you like it? @TheWickEffect I think is also curious about the v9s.
I am also very curious to know how they play. It looks like they didnt sell well, seems like a lot of people are waiting on positive reviews to cop.
I got it as a gift and honestly really dig the way it plays, landed my first stilt on it yesterday, I like it a lot more than I thought I would, I also got a slaydawg but can't put this one down
yes 2.0 is amazing. Its a decently thick shape, which I like. The cups are a bit bigger, but nothing like prime/slaydawg big, which I also like. Good for stalls, and once the spike is pushed down, lunar balance is great (on both my 2.0s) but the slingers are meh. I can still double sling, it just doesn't have the whippage of something lika a prime. They also raised the slipstop for better grip. Definitely recommend copping a 2.0 (probably a silk or select).