After seeing the new Yumu kendamas which can make stall tricks and bird tricks easier I think other brands might also do it to compete with Yumu
I'd love to see a brand new KUSA Pro mod series.. I think Sweets will definitely pick up some more players Krom will continue to murder competitions GT will drop a new shape, I feel like it's about that time (or maybe for 5 year anniversary instead)
Not a prediction, but I want Emmy Evans, and the rest of the tribe team to get designated damas, Like i think calling that purp/yellow kaizen halfsplit, the Emmy Evans flow mod, would be so awesome. All those tribe kids slay so hard, especially for being young bloods. Sweets prediction: they are gonna finally drop some bamboo kens. -Less prediction, more "would be cool if" they did bamboo HG's and did black and white tamas, Donate the money to the pandas instead of the trees. little panda pins to come with your HG box. I want Cobra to get bigger too. Maybe a new tama design, or a new clear coat. My dude Jacob Treb has been putting in work and I'm excited to see them develop a pro-team. Hopefully we can get some smaller competitions or a club to come out of his area (we are both from the same city, don't know him personally tho) Kusa pro-mods on a craft style ken, higher quality rather than mass production would be sweet. I see a lot of the kusa pro's putting their tamas on a craft, so it would be cool just to be able to buy the one set up, instead of having a booty ken and a pretty nice tama.
Ya i've seen sweets and Norx (I think) rocking some bamboo prototypes. Potentailly a collab with kendama isreal would be cool. skulls over a marble would be so pretty!
Bump! What companies are set to put their names on the map this year? I have 2 picks for companies ready to break out into the mainstream: Kendama Israel - These guys are poised to make it big. Their product is awesome, shipping is cheap, and their players are absolutely slaying the game (Liad, Sam Cannon, Davide, Ole). They're already experiencing some mainstream exposure in Europe and Asia, but I think this will be the year that they become a household name. Yumu Kendama - By establishing a permanent presence in the States with Yumu USA, I think Yumu's going to make some big strides in 2018. Their new eclipse shape has recieved positive reviews, the previously mentioned Yumu USA seems like a very good team with new blood (Vincent Dimaya), Influencers (Jenny Cho), and Legends (Mikey Schelling) on the roster, and they even have a new JKA-approved offering coming soon. Yumu's been an underappreciated name in the market for years, and I see them making an impact this year. Who are your picks for companies that'll make it big in 2018?
I will be SO stoked if this is the case. It honestly tilts me that Haley Bishoff doesn't have a pro mod yet.
Well, everyone kinda agrred on other's opinion & thinks the same way. I myself think of afew: *Mikey's Pro Mod for Yumu (it's just about time he should have one) *This doesn't have a buzz lately, but WKA will be more known & build up their reputation as the world governing body for kendama & make their official Formation probably this KWC. *I kinda said this before on other threads... Besides metion from the rest of having other mods change their shape to 2.0 for KUSA, They might bring back older colorways of older version of the pro mods or make a new tribute kendama that will contest the prime & pop. Those might be a consideration. * Also, KUSA tribe members rank up to tribute to make way for possible new players. * As a specially metion from the other comments here of the emerald musou hg & the new red/white split. I think The half split probably might be for So's champ mod while the musou hg mighy be in the KWC as well or after that but not during MKO. Just Speculation of mine. *Lastly, Bryson might cement himself, along with Lukas Funk to become part of the pro team (Cause they perform well in KWC rather than MKO, so it kinda make sense if Sweets would do this move). And probably new addition to the SWEETS JPN might be Hiroto Motohashi, Nonoka Kyoda & Rumina. The candidates most likely to be part of the Japan team & Taku will be kinda inducted to the team as the manager or leader of the team