Let’s make a list of anything and everything that a dedicated/serious kendama player should do. Curious to see what other players think about on this subject. To start... Attend at least one big name kendama event if/when possible (MKO, Camp Kendama/Weekend in the Woods, BatB, etc). (I have more in mind but I’m sure many others would be thinking the same)
I think it's kinda a rite of passage that every player that is semi serious should teach someone else how to spike it. I know I've done it more than a few times. Even with spinning the tama or whatever.
teaching my Grandma how to spike on her 10-15th try, and then having my Grandpa doing it first try was probably more hype than watching So Kanada win MKO in person. As a personal step, I can remember all of my friends first handroll, to spike, landing my first one was the most satisfying feeling I had had at that point in my kendama journey, so I think that is an easy gateway/milestone into more flowy tricks.
Teach someone else how to dama Wave a dama to a stranger Visit any (or all) of the Big Three (KWC, MKO, C&F) Visit any (or all) of the kendama warehouses/factories (Gloken, Sweets, KUSA, Iwata Mokko, Ozora) Visit any (or all) of the influential dama shops (Krom, SuLab, DECADE, Yume, Terra) Have Haley Bishoff approve your friend request on Facebook
Man that sounds awesome. I would flip if my grandma spiked it. But I get you. My first handroll to spike was a momentous feeling no doubt.
Discovering your personal favorite paint is kind of a cool step, I definitely remember playing cushion clear for my first time and thinking, "wow, this is going to open up some doors for new tricks"
Not a TK16 but just saw that KUSA has yellow Ozoras in their online shop and bought it on impulse. Might have to break my RWB only challenge this year to jam it and my light blue Ozora.