Aynedter said during his insta live stream today that they are the same as the maple as far as the spike length. The sarado will go down as you break it in just like the maples. Although I've found walnut to take longer to break in, therefor may take longer to go down.
Yea...my E1's spike hasn't budged a bit. The lighter tama isn't doing anything. I have a 62 tama and 68 ken...so...
I really hope so because it is so convenient but it might depends on the batch size in the end. Difficult to know if it will be as massive as the first one.
No this one is only available from Grain Theory site. They are not sending any out wholesale. I asked on one of DWI's posts on IG.
No problem. Yeah, I held firm on my not buying any kendamas this year for the first drop. But these walnut E1s definitely had my head turned. However shipping and customs fees will probably keep my wallet firmly in the pocket for now.
That’s a relief, but goddamn! I tried checking both of them off the moment they dropped and the items disappeared from my cart as I was trying to check out on Pay Pal!!
I was quick enough to snag a walnut Stitch and I got a maple Roku. I'm excited to play the walnut because I really enjoy the mapes.
Does anybody else feel like these timed microdrops are a little... manipulative? Like, these are mass produced overseas, they could easily just release them all once they get the whole shipment in (if they don't already have it). I mean, business is business so whatever works! They sound like they're great kendamas.
TBH, I don’t think it would’ve made a difference if the Walnut Damas made a release drop the same way the Maples did. I actually thought they would’ve done a huge drop rather than a micro drop. Supply and demand I guess....
Controversy drives demand, I believe it's definitely on purpose, but not really meant to be malicious.