Yo guys! Got a quick little vent I guess? But recently I’ve been having some bad luck with picking out my kendamas, bought three kendamas from Krom, Iji Mod, Ajagak 2.0, and the KROM x O.K collab. I fell in love with the O.K dama but fell off with the other two. The Ajagak felt like there was absolutely no grip to it! And it was the same with the Iji mod, I’m not saying I hate KROM, not at all, they are my favorite brand. This inconsistent paint thing also happened to me with sweets, had a coop mod and norx and norx had the same problem, absolutely no grip. Again not saying they are and company, I love them lol. But if anyone can give an explanation as to why paint is inconsistent or anyway to make a sticky tama stickier let me know please! And also, share your experiences with inconsistent paint jobs. Would love to know that other people have the same problem as myself.
Are these comparisons made when the damas were fresh out of the box? All tested the same time? I only ask because the inconsistency can come with how broken in (or not) the Kendama is! Lots of times it takes a little for a paint to become tacky, and really that comes through playing!
I feel you. LOL clear is a pretty inconsistent paint. Dont get me wrong, when its good, its a really really sticky clear, but some of my LOL Cleared tamas dont really feel like it at all. Really slippery, no amount of tack, even after some heavy play. And also after trying to clean it with some rubbing alcohol, it didnt help that much. Sweets has, to my experience, a little more consistent sticky clear, but I feel like the older prime clear (e.g. 2017 primes) is better and holds up longer than the paint on the 2018 primes. I think that most rubber paints, like kusa silk, or cush, allow for a far more consistent play. But thats just my preference I guess
Maybe I should take a break on LOL clear and other sticky clear and start playing cushion clear and other silk tamas. Thank you for responding! I’m glad someone else had this experience. ❤️✌
My experience is similar to yours. I’ve heard LOL clear reacts differently depending on whether it’s over just wood or another paint. Beams are always tacky af, and both of my Nihon ash Slaydawgs were very tacky. Like yours, my black Ajagak doesn’t seem to have much tack at all, and when my 7 year bday was fresh it also had very little tack, but it’s gotten better over time.
I agree with your statement about prime paint completely. I started with a red solid prime and then got an avalanche stripe a month later. This was back in early 2017. I jammed them religiously. They still have excellent tack. Recently I got a prime sport stripe and in about 2 weeks the paint chipped like crazy and the tack is nothing like my first two primes. I'm considering getting an of prime off Amazon since there are a few left and test this theory.
Yess!! My solid green is jammed to the ground and still stickier than most freshies! I heard the used to put atack paint under the prime clear, that would explain alot. Maybe they dont do it these days.
I have the same issue with LOL Clear! I have 2 slaydawgs in my collection: a Nihon Ash, and a Thorkild mod. The Nihon Ash tama is still an awesome tama after months of play, but the Thorkild tama paint started chipping after a few days. My experience with the latter dama makes me cautious when it comes to LOL clear and other sticky paints; as a result, I'm currently jamming Rubber, Gloss, and Natty tamas more now.