Not trying to be a douche....but let me google that for you: XD Sorry I couldn't help myself.
It's a big cup catch but in reverse. So instead of catching the tama with the big cup, you catch the big cup with the tama.
No I know I could have googled it. You guys have just been so helpful in learning tricks I figured I would ask here instead of just asking that big search engine in the sky. Figured I might get something more than just the typical answer. I should have re-phrased it... what is the trick to getting a Lunar?
I probably wouldn't try doing a lunar until you can land about 10 airplanes in a row first. The motion for each trick is fairly similar so once you can do an airplane watch some tutorials and come back for some fine tuning. I also posted a thread about it, one in which @Ben Lowe had some good insights. His tips on that thread were actually crucial to my landing of a lunar for the first time
I think I'm out of my league here. Just started finding the spike and my Moshekame is sketchy at best.
I can safely say that if you stick with it a lunar is totally possible but they are very difficult to get the first time and I would get airplane down first.
I mean I just n00b'd out and didn't google. But what can I say... I'm a fucking Punter at this Dama shit.
Here's a tutorial for Lunar that is very helpful ( I chased this trick for a long time and it was one of the more memorable kendama experiences for me. Everyone learns at a different pace and some tricks are going to be more manageable than others. Even though a person may be new to kendama and probably learn the basics before trying other tricks; I think a person has to think outside the box. There are a lot of players that learn tricks that are very advanced; even if they have not been playing for very long.
Actually there is a good thread about it online yet:
@Mr.Bishop , everyone has to start somewhere man. I am not an expert by any means but if you have any questions feel free to ask. That is why we are here, even if it's something you can Google it really doesn't matter because here on this site we will always tell you advice on how to stick a trick and what tricks you should learn before attempting something beyond your current level. I would say a good place to start is or ...both of them have really good tutorials for beginners. I like 's 50 first tricks. I personally still use this list even if I feel I have mastered a trick because I will always learn little nuances that I stopped doing or ways in which I can alter my method to land a trick even cleaner. With that said though, ALWAYS ask, there are literally professional players on this forum who have years of experience and will gladly give you tips on pretty much everything. Kendama is still a relatively new thing in the western world and it is constantly evolving because of this. A lot of us are hardcore enthusiasts and will be more than happy to lend a hand to you.
@r0bson ...hahaha, that is actually the thread I started that gave me good advice on my first lunar. Not I'm sticking one every ten attempts or so. Just proof that reading tips can be just as helpful as watching videos sometimes. Thanks again @Ben Lowe