Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Welcome to Downspike private beta!

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Cheech_Sander, Sep 20, 2016.


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  1. BallardKROM

    BallardKROM Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    First multi-page thread? You already know. Needs to be listed with page 2 as the "first page" other than the first thread post. Shouldn't have to go hit page 2 to see the most recent post.
    Sep 26, 2016
  2. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    This is why wed need to just use it to work out the kinks.

    But what do you mean? You want to be taken straight to the last response?
    That's true if it's a thread you're following but I can see once we get a ton of threads on here how that could get annoying (Like if you haven't read one yet)
    Sep 26, 2016
  3. BallardKROM

    BallardKROM Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    Probably right actually. Just reviewed NS. I'm way washed in the forum game.
    Sep 26, 2016
  4. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 13, 2016
    Great idea! I added "The Sesh", "DS Exchange" and "Sessions" forums to the dropdown.

    You need to click "Upload a File" to attach an image. Would it help if it was called "Upload a File or Image"?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    Sep 27, 2016
    Cheech_Sander likes this.
  5. BallardKROM

    BallardKROM Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    I've tried multiple screenshots (which saved as pngs) and none of them have worked. It keeps getting an error message.
    Sep 28, 2016
  6. BallardKROM

    BallardKROM Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    Still gonna keep pressing if launch dates is soon to tidy up the front page. Right now we only see one vid on the front without scrolling down. Some of the headers/images or whatever can be tightened up and should have like a "hot topics" section where you can instant see the raging threads or something. Or "member of the month" or something or other.
    Sep 28, 2016
  7. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    You should see up to 3 (right now, but more sometimes) different featured videos in that main player. Having just one featured player on the main page is important to us from a content and monetizing standpoint.

    Can you be more specific on the headers / images you think could improve? hot / trending topics are an interesting feature.
    Sep 28, 2016
  8. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    Also we are working on better formatting within the video descriptions

    Once we support BB code in there
    you can have a title, logline, and even a news article

    1. with lists like who is in it
    2. or links to the music
    3. or maybe even photos in the description like a full blown news article. but maybe that's sloppy
    Actually, Amor, once we get some basic formatting in there, it wouldn't be a bad idea to be able to read a few more lines of description in the main slider. Even if it means shrinking the video size. Not sure if that screws everything up or if it's a quick iframe fix
    Sep 28, 2016
  9. BallardKROM

    BallardKROM Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    I get you on the monetizing.

    I would show you what I was talking about if I could upload a photo. I even took a screenshot, went into photoshop, converted it to jpg and still can't do it. Basically there's just alot of unnecessary black space (like in between your username and the top of "DownSpike". It's just hogging up so much space and the top whole 1/3 of the home page is just a huge black bar. to me as a user it's annoying and eats up to much screen space. Maybe it's just me.
    Sep 28, 2016
  10. BallardKROM

    BallardKROM Member

    Sep 26, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    Also I think the "receive email notifications" should be de-checked when you go to more options... deadly mistakes can happen.
    Sep 28, 2016
  11. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    Are you talking about desktop or mobile?

    When you try to upload a screenshot, what is the error you recieve?
    I have no problem uploading screenshots (see below)
    Screen Shot 2016-09-29 at 1.48.53 PM.png
    Sep 29, 2016
  12. htimSxelA

    htimSxelA Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2016

    Glad to see this launch, nice work on it so far!
    I looked through this thread, and I agree with most of what Ballard said. On desktop the landing page has a LOT of black space up top, on mobile it looks fine though. From the sites I run, traffic is close to 50/50 mobile / desktop, so you should aim to cater to both for sure.

    Forum side:
    Usability/layout is good, but I think the board organization need to be re-thought. Right now its kinda weird... the 'off topic' forum is listed under 'The sesh', and the 'manufacturer's board' is listed under buy/sell/trade.

    Potential board layout idea:
    The Sesh: General Chat / Gear Chat / Tricks Chat / Manufacturing Chat
    Buy/Sell/Trade: BST Chat / Feedback (a 'legit check' spot for people to reference)
    Events: Large Contests / Local Jams (prob too soon for a bunch of regional boards)
    Off Topic: All things not Dama
    Technical Feedback: Forum tech meta (forum code broken? discuss here)

    How does the video side of the site work?
    If I submit a video, does it appear at the top of the 'latest' category? Do the votes have functionality, as in, when a new video gets upvotes, it will appear in the 'trending' or 'featured' sections?
    Personally, I'm more of a fan of community-driven websites, over curated discussions.

    Some sort of 'here is how the site works!' would be good, I was confused while looking through the video side at first. Maybe the video with Colin and Cheech explains it, but I didn't watch that, and I wouldn't expect every person who visits the site to watch it. Some simple text explanations and direction would be good. Maybe use some of the advert spots for this in the short term, to help build a userbase?
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
    Sep 29, 2016
    Cheech_Sander likes this.
  13. Bryan Scagline

    Bryan Scagline Slayer

    Sep 21, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Putting DS into my morning coffee grind routine as per Yourd recommends. Catch all the news early am before the groms find out!!

    waaaas up ya'll!!
    Oct 3, 2016
  14. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA

    Good questions. The short answer is "both".

    Upvotes ABSOLUTELY affect trending, and yes, every new video bumps to the top of "latest". This is decided by an algorithm that uses upvotes, total views, and other things. The specifics of the algorithm are something you'd have to ask our programmers, but this kind of explains it:

    Still, sometimes it's nice to have the ability to curate. So we maintained that as well.

    Will get to work on a quick explanation of how it all works before we go public. That's a good call.
    Oct 3, 2016
  15. htimSxelA

    htimSxelA Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    @Cheech_Sander, Makes sense that the 'latest videos' would be the most recently uploaded, but you didn't really answer what the 'trending', 'featured', or 'top' video sections are? I'm assuming different algorithms are used for each, any info on how each section works? Is 'featured' a curated section? Who is in charge of it? Will it be buyable by sponsors?

    A 'how it all works' explanation would be great in this regard. To build a community, the members need to know how their contributions actually affect the community. Right now I could post videos, but I don't really know what will make it show up in each section.

    Example explanation:
    'When you post a video, it will appear in the 'Latest' section. If a lot of people view and like your video, then it will show up in the 'trending' section. The 'top' section is a collection of all of the number 1 'trending' videos from the past week. The 'featured' section is a list curated by top pros that want to share their favourite edits!

    Also, any input on the forum organization? I like contributing to forums (my account is one of the top contributors on the BKA forum), but a lack of organization doesn't make the sesh that appealing..
    Oct 3, 2016
  16. amor

    amor Member

    Jul 14, 2016

    Trending: Videos sorted by "Heat score" - an algorithm takes time/date posted and number of upvotes into consideration to determine the Heat score. New videos get higher scores right off the bat but an older video can take over if it has enough upvotes. The algorithm uses a log scale so the first 10 upvotes have the same "weight" as the next 100 upvotes which have the same "weight" as the next 1000.

    Featured: Videos only show in this section if they are featured by Downspike staff. Videos in this section are sorted by date/time featured with newly featured videos at the top.

    Latest: Videos in this section are sorted purely by date/time posted with new videos at the top.

    Top: Videos sorted by "Vote score" - an algorithm takes upvotes and downvotes into consideration and determines the Vote score. The algorithm uses the lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter. I'll let the link @Cheech_Sander posted explain more on how that works.

    When you post a new video, it should appear in all sections except Featured.

    Hope this helps!
    Oct 4, 2016
  17. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    This is easy to change, and we will add more complexity as our userbase grows. For now I think adding tricks chat as it's own forum is a good idea. BST seems like a logical place for manufacturing to me, because if you're making kendamas one would think you would ultimately sell them.
    Oct 5, 2016
  18. Michael Joseph Reeves

    Michael Joseph Reeves Honed Member

    Oct 5, 2016
    Salem, CT
    Honored to be a part of this and I'll be on here regularly trying to figure it all out. Im going to just use it as if it were the real deal and ask questions/ comment as I go. First question how can I tag my Instagram account? Can it only be tagged to my profile or can I tag it in posts too? Maybe it would be easier on a computer I'm mobile and I have a feeling a the majority of users will be mobile.

    First comment. There is so much content and I think the high majority of it will be useful. But I'm a bit overwhelmed initially. Obviously this would be way down the road but like when it's launched officially I think it would be helpful to offer a basic explanation of how the site works. Mainly for people that are technocloically challenged. If I'm overwhelmed they would probably just give up hahaha
    Oct 5, 2016
  19. Michael Joseph Reeves

    Michael Joseph Reeves Honed Member

    Oct 5, 2016
    Salem, CT
    One bug I'm experiencing is that a lot of the links I click on send me to the homepage. I go back and it works the second time but yeah that happens. I'll try to pay attention to what links do it.

    Also it's possible that because my phone isn't updated its doing that.. Idk tho
    Oct 6, 2016
  20. amor

    amor Member

    Jul 14, 2016
    Best way would be to write your username, highlight the username, click the link button in the post editor and type in the link to your profile. That way it'll show up like this: @itsamoreh.

    Alternatively you can just paste the link
    Oct 6, 2016