I feel like i haven't really been leveling up more a less just doing longer lines with tricks I already have, so feel free to throw some tricks at me or even little lines to try and lace and ill be posting on our instagram @chitownlacers
Try this one. One turn lighthouse. Light house flip then an inward lighthouse flip, falling in...j stick then an inward j stick, turnover then earth turn to reverse earth turn.
Here is one. Pull up ken flip, instant turntable followed by a transistion to base cup candle, then a switch grip downspike.
Got a couple dares kenflip to big cup kenflip spike-> small cup to slip stick fasthand to stuntplane-> inverted forward J-stick-> base cup juggle base cup-> flip to lighthouse-> trade spike-> earth turn big cup space walk knee bounce to big cup to spike-> small cup to reverse spacewalk to swirl-> kenflip spike-> base cup to forward mooncircle to spike.
J stick earth turn- Do a big loopy J-stick, and flip the tama with your thumb. recatch after an earh turn and let that plane land. then x2
Ok. Downspike fasthand, single j stick fasthand. Edit: Also just try a fast hand earth turn. It kinda feels like a funky stuntplane.
Airplane swap ken grip ghost toss stuntplane fast hand. Rudy Simpliciano did one a long time ago and it was one of the smoothest tricks I’ve ever seen.
I really like this one, I've learned a lot since I first came across this and I'm confident I can lace it in a week or so haha never done inward flips before now and reverse earth turn is really neat