Can someone confirm if this is the first consistency record for spacewalk??? If this is the first, well here you go. 60 SPACEWALK SWAP SPIKES...
Of course they are different. But Edric just asked for spacewalks in general. At least thats how I understood his post.
Bumpity Bump Bump Anyone know the record for lighthouse flips? I would assume it would be around 7-8.
Nope. have no idea for lighty flips... ALSO, 10 slings from Liam, Then Nick,Kengo and Bryson. Forgot to add it
I once rode my long board and moshikame for about 5 miles strait threw town pretty sketch with the traffic but it was cool
When people go for long lines, multiple tricks, etc., do they/you come up with the whole line before u start it? or do u do a line of tricks, tape it, then look what u did and tag what u did?? I think this is an appropriate question for this thread.. as I’ve been wondering if someone thinks “ok I’m going to 1up lighthouse to lighthouse flip to LH to double backflip to LH to juggle to ghost LH to Treflip inward lunar to trade Downspike..” Or if they come up with said line as they are performing through tricks and they all just end up going/working together..
actually, it's not. It more of a single trick done (except for taps cause i guess cause some juggle it after doing multiple taps. They do another trick to somehow have a "safe" trick so they could have a breather with their ender). Again it's more of singles or just focus on one trick "specifically" how they call it.
I'm really confused what you're saying here. People begin to film thinking, Ok I'm going to do 3 tap throw insta lighthouse flip (x3) jug trip late kenflip jug spike, not just eh, I'm going to do something new gen.