So let me make sure I have this an underbird then do an "earth turn" back to underbird or do an underbird as if I was doing a swing spike?
Ok. Do I do a swing underbird then drop the tama into a swing bird, cause if so that is a dope line?!
Dude, I am the WORST at whirlwinds. Takes me like 5 to 10 tries to just get one. I havent ever really tried to practice them though so now I have. Also the bird line is good for me because I am not good at transistioning into bird from other tricks. This will help me hone two tricks
@Cheech_Sander, I hate you for these tricks but I am really starting to fill in a couple gaps in my game. Seriously been trying nothing but over the valley, swing birds, swing underbirds and whirlwinds for the past hour. I suck at all the tricks you picked, thanks for the challenge.
I‘m a mid intermediat looking for some dare‘s... less loons n lighthouses cause I‘m doing them since ever lol Stall lines maybe, or slings ?
intermediate-advanced Something with lighthouse lunars and jugs bcuz I've been getting good at doing multiple juggles
Try juggle -> fasthand lighthouse, I always love fasthand lighthouse tricks. They're a good one to get honed!
damn I really suck at fasthand lighthouses so this should be a good trick to fill in the blanks in my game
dama dare for a lower intermediate player? been working on lunar, lighthouse flips (dubs too), 2x juggles, juggle ghost lighthouse, amongst other things.