Some damas for sale that just arent getting seshed. No weights available for a couple days. US only. $5 shipped Feel free to drop an offer 9.5/10 - Roddama Terra Pro Mod - 30 9/10 - Krom X 430 Slaydawg Ferrari Red - 20 8.5/10 - Analog Natty EMP - 35 8.5/10 - Analog Natty PHC - 35 7.5-8/10 - Lunatac Ken X GT-E1 Stitch Tama -20 Also have a Rez Ken with a snapped tip about an inch down if anybody is interested in picking it up to try and salvage. Can post pics if interested!
Lol nah.. just posted a pic of what you were watching when you took the pics of the Damas and I thought it was funny.. the Dennis System being used to sell your Damas
Wow I am slow, I have this up on FKC and put the pics up there so thought they were here for you already lol. My bad
Really? For some reason I thought the last batch of emp’s were on the Squab shape.. I’m def not sure on that though just what I think I remember..
Dick move bro but whatever take it...learn how to search what your looking for and not just cut in someone else deal they took the time to look for
Bruh if it means that much you can take it. I wasn't trying to be a dick, just trying to scoop a dama I've been looking for for awhile. It's a public forum, not a private deal. The pics he posted were enough for me. OP, give it to John James since he commented first.