Looks like Sweets Josh Grove pro mod, but it’s not easy to see on that pic. The Grove mod is a more recent release that’s a unique multi wood boost shape. It has a really cool engraving and bamboo sarado. Plus Josh is a super good dude with a crazy playing style and who is always helping out the community.
Did any bamboo Primes come with a sticker on the base cup stock? I've only seen the ones with laser engraving.
I am buying it from a guy on Facebook. It’s a bamboo prime but I was trying to do some research on it and couldn’t find anything with that sticker
Was also going to comment with this. Looks like a prime Ken with a prime sticker pack sticker on it. Prime kens have smaller cups if that’s an issue to u at all compared to recent Ken shapes. Not sure how familiar u are with Ken shapes. The only bamboo boost Ken is on the JFG pro mod currently. They did a drop of just bamboo boost kens but they sold out First if I recall correctly
Is the sticker smooth or embossed (can you feel the texture) if smooth they added the sticker. If embossed it's from a prime pro mod. Pretty sure its a bamboo prime with added sticker though. But not a big deal I'd buy it if your interested.