Kendama Entertainment Network

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Valuation - OG Speckled Ozora

Discussion in 'DS Exchange' started by Rob, Aug 10, 2021.

  1. Rob

    Rob Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Wiltshire, Great Britain
    NOT FOR SALE - purely looking for a rough valuation.

    I won this kendama years ago, and kept it in the packaging with the thinking that some day it will be worth something. I'm not sure how big of a market for JKA rarities there is nowadays so I'd just like to get a rough idea on how much it would be worth.

    Background: (please correct me if I'm wrong)

    I believe these Ozoras were custom made for a JKA competition in 2012 (was either Kendama Festa/the equivalent or the Japanese championships) and Ozora factory produced a handful of customs with speckled paint which remained within JKA regulations and can be used in gradings and competitions.

    I'm unsure how many were produced but I'm certain it wasn't many.

    This kendama is unopened and still in a sealed packet.

    I believe it's using the OG lead-based paint as well

    If anyone has any information on this kendama or an idea of it's worth please let me know.

    I've attached photos

    Attached Files:

    Aug 10, 2021
    Zachery Murray and xplodit like this.
  2. xplodit

    xplodit Slayer

    Sep 23, 2017
    I’m not a classic kendama expert, but if it’s that rare/special, I wouldn’t take less than $600. Old Mugens are probably the most expensive out there, and some of those are well over $1000. I imagine that an old TK16 might be comparable.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
    Aug 10, 2021
    taisuke1993 and JHard502710 like this.
  3. goenKendama

    goenKendama Administrator Staff Member

    Oct 14, 2016
    Metro Manila, Philippines
    @Rob I got hold of Yamagata Koubou and they said if it's the black with yellow speckles (he wasn't certain from the photos I sent him) it was from 2008. It was made special for the JKA to sell at their events and there were about 50-100 made.
    Aug 18, 2021
  4. Rob

    Rob Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Wiltshire, Great Britain
    That's exactly the info I was looking for! Thanks for the help, wasn't expecting a contact with Koubou, so thanks for helping me out
    Aug 18, 2021
    goenKendama likes this.
  5. goenKendama

    goenKendama Administrator Staff Member

    Oct 14, 2016
    Metro Manila, Philippines
    No worries, glad to help. I live over here in Tokyo and deal with them semi regularly so thought maybe I could lend a hand.

    Update: He called while I was at work but also sent an email with additional info. Said they released it for Christmas 2008 so it might have been available 2009-2010. He also confirms that it is OK for competition (nintei seal).
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
    Aug 18, 2021