Hey guys, Just gonna know if you made some multiple on a j-stick or longest moshikame, just anything oddly insane records yet in a single trick. This thread is for you guys to share I'll start it first here. So far, I think im the first to say that i'm the person to do the longest infinite swirl(finger swirl). My time is almost 3 minutes(2:50.06) on a regular tk16, no gimiks, just pure fingers & og jka setup. so what's yours?
As far as j-sticks go, Dave Mateo has the record with 11 turn. I also saw a video a while back of a kid holding his boarder's balance for over 5 minutes
I'm pretty sure Jake Wiens did a 7 turn-up lighthouse in a a video once. Some are saying that it was more than 7, but I'm not sure.
Ace Szalkus holds the record for most moshikames (700) and the kid @Nick Lectura mentioned is Josh marine (instagram is josh_the_marine)
The dama he used was a GT using the wormhole, so that should be noted in the record, since it does help in an unorthodox way.
I think it was earth turns, cause Tamotsu actually holds the records for most moshikames (I think it was 8 hours straight, don't know the number) Totally forgot about the UFO!
Not Tamotsu, my friend! It's done by a Mr Nishikawa, 11 hours straight, estimated to be around 102,000 times!
Haha you should change the name of this thread to "Dama World Records" I am pretty sure that Philip Eldrige from Krom holds the record for longest distance running while playing kendama. He ran 13.1 miles (half marathon) I'd love to try a full marathon while playing dama
Hey guys, it's been i while since i posted & any other people does. Well this thread kinda look like a bit bummed so i'll add a mechanic to the thread so who you could keep on track who has the most & try to beat their record. 1st:Most in a minute/s,hour/s, day/s???. Ok, some will really dig the endurance or multies trick but how far would a trick would do in just a fraction of a time. So try set your records in a minutes/3minutes/5minutes/15 minutes/30minute... etc. NAME IT!!! it you think you could do most whirlwind in a minute then post it here. (no looking at dama stuff, except if it was record for most edit watched hahahaha) 2nd: Dama Collections. this is one of the unsung records here in the community. so if you think you have copped all of the damas, prove it here!!!(other skill toys are not included,especially kururin. sorry guys but it's not a cup & ball thing. but mad love &respect for kururins.) 3rd:Tagging. best to tag everyone on a level you think you have beat the record for. try calling out their names but try not to be cocky about it. just be humble or cool on the person you beat. So far on taps i think i only saw 2 people nailed it,1 multiple j's,1 longest time of infinite swirls(mine i guess??? tag me if you think you beat my 2:50.06 time better if you have video proof ). thanks guys for your support on this thread.