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Want to improve your juggles?

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by harbourjazz, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. harbourjazz

    harbourjazz n00b

    Jan 11, 2017
    I've seen so many questions recently about how to improve juggles. There are some great tips - just use the tips of your fingers to push the tama up, practice your kenflips, get consistent with 1 juggle before moving onto 2, 2 before moving onto 3 and so on.

    But what baffles me (and this may be the juggler in me) is that nobody suggests what I consider to be quite an obvious answer - learn to juggle 2 balls in 1 hand! It's called a juggle for a reason - 2 in 1 hand is the basis of learning a simple 4 ball juggling pattern (if you can do it with both hands). Of course, a kendama is slightly different as you have to flip the ken and track the bevel of the tama, but the principle is exactly the same - alternate your left and right throws in a "piston" to keep the pattern going.

    I'm by no means an expect on kendama juggles, but my experience with juggling 4 balls has certainly helped me with them and it's also a nice string to add to your bow. Give it a try!
    Jan 14, 2017
  2. 7Cabbages

    7Cabbages Slayer

    Nov 21, 2016
    California City
    Hehe I actually tried this messing around with some fruits last week. I was juggling two in a hand and after a while a did actually try juggling my kendama and noticed a difference. There is a flow to it that juggling helps with in kendama juggles.
    Jan 14, 2017
  3. JorisSchweppe

    JorisSchweppe n00b

    Dec 30, 2016
    YO!! your are so right! before I started playing Kendama I used to practice juggling for about 3 years. It has helped me so much with the juggle as we know it in kendama. Its the first trick I mastered.

    I always tell people who want to learn this to get two juggling bals or something that comes very close like been bags and start tossing them up next to each other.

    I just bought 6 new balls to start practicing my patterns again and I am really noticing it helps me being more focused on the kendama overal when I am juggling 3 to 5 balls now and then for a nice period of time
    Jan 14, 2017
    sambarboo and James Hoang like this.
  4. Ian Gonzales

    Ian Gonzales n00b

    Nov 8, 2016
    Everett ,washington
    Now introduce taps between each juggle that's what I've been working on it am terrible at taps but working on getting better trying to hit 4 tap as well
    Jan 14, 2017
    Almostgets and JorisSchweppe like this.
  5. Ben Lowe

    Ben Lowe Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Port Angeles, WA
    This is how I was able to learn the basic juggle pretty quick. I've mentioned it a few times too. :)
    Jan 14, 2017
    sambarboo and JorisSchweppe like this.