@KeeganS @Congarranza @Ryalkid20 @damon @Avry K @Ricky Røge @Almostgets Thanks all! Excited to get them launched. Believe me, this has been on my mind! Working towards it, hoping to have some announcements regarding Terra Kururins soon
Congrats Alex, hope I can afford one too somewhere in the future, what is the estimated price for when they launch?
Let's move to Canada and work at the Terra Shop till we earn enough! Otherwise, a more macabre play would be to ask if Smith accepts kidneys.
Now I have to start saving money for this kendama to. ) it looks amazing and bet it feels & plays the same Nice job terra kenadama ♡
@htimSxelA What glue are you using to make the laminate blanks? I was trying to SKR3W around with purpleheart x maple spectraplys on the lathe, but couldn't find such a good glue. . . . . . . If you don't wanna tell me because you think I won't buy from you because I will just make my own, that's fine.