Jamie has been killin it painting, I'm pretty sure he's in the UK. These tamas look really dope Stolen from the book:
I have Kaya's Pokeball and I purchased a rainbow dust Pokeball from him for @Chelsea May Perez! He's so good! Probably one of if not easily my favorite custom painter out there right now. He just does it so much cleaner than everyone else. <3 With some pretty good looking designs/colorways all the time as well.
Been waiting to cop one of his kendamas for a while now, these are radical. They are super awesome looking...there are a couple that were just Like Wow! Good work @Kayadama This Neverest one is crazy layering abilities.
Ooh I just realized that the purple stripe is on the wrong side of the rainbow, my OCD is kicking in haha @lategreat808 That teal/blue one you posted is so sick too.. I've been eyeing it up as well haha
For those waiting on picking up a kayadama, I really recommend them! I picked up a beech rainbow dust, which was the cheapest option cos I wanted to try them out first, and been playing nothing but that. Aside from the lovely paint aesthetic, the slip/stick ratio seems perfect. I'm at best a beginner, but have no trouble landing lunars and lighthouses. The only thing I noticed though is that I can't seem to sling the ken at all. Like I keep going back and forth between kens just to check if it was just me being super bad, but it was just the kaya kens. But eh I haven't gotten to the point of incorporating sling tricks just yet so it's no matter to me. Jamie is also incredibly nice to chat with, if you have any questions about his products.
Jamie's a chill guy for sure, have bought from him in the past, gotta support the other UK dama players, I got a purpleheart ken with a 'Dragon's Eye' Ash tama. Big fan of the fact that his K1 shape was the original Kaizen shape, and the K2 shape he now sells is the Kaizen 2.0 shape, jump on his damas for sure, they are sick. P.S Cop a Dragon's Eye, they are out of this WORLD.
Ordered two Pokeball kendama setups from @Kayadama The one on the left is painted with his Alpha Clear, the right is painted with his Omega Clear. The Alpha Clear is SUPER tacky out of the box and breaks in to gain a slight slick for adjustments (not much but i still need to really break it in). The clear is extremely durable. The Omega Clear is only slightly tacky out of the box and breaks in for a better slick/slip ratio, but isn't as durable as the Alpha and tends to start peeling around the bevel (like cushion clear does on some tamas).
Thanks so much for the kind words all!! Really motivating to wake up to, appreciate it a lot. Has been rather quiet lately, have been concentrating on another project. So big Thanks for giving me some hype on the Kaya project!!! I realised after I did the first (white top) that the purple was kinda in the wrong place. I wanted to keep the lighter shades nearer the bevel, for sure had to do a couple more in the correct order to cure those feels Alex Hoping to get these up later today, they are all done I just need to snap some pics. kinda totally bored of painting basic things so expect the art to only get more detailed and random from here on out. I have also dropped that omega clear and using only the bombproof stuff!! Massive thanks to all who have supported me thus far, you literally are the reason this 'company' even exists. BTW If there are any fingerboarders here, look out for the Kaya decks coming soon