Anyone ever jam out on a Groove Kendama? It looks like a really great idea but you don't see it a lot. Does Duncan have a patent on this design and that's why you don't see it around? Pros and Cons of the groove Kendama
For some reason I have always wanted one of these bad boys. Seems like it go pretty deep in the creativity game.
Taka gave me one of these when i was in Japan. Pretty novel idea, and the paint is awesome too! Haven't played with it much, so i can't tell you how the unique design helps.
I have one of those tamas on the Terra wall. It's pretty tough to do yoyo sorta tricks with. I haven't played one of the kens much
I knew I remembered seeing this somewhere. . . . Drew Tetz Published on Feb 17, 2014 I've had this idea for a Kendama with a string groove for a while, and yo-yo modding legend Takeshi Kamisato brought it to life in his workshop. Here are are a few of the unique tricks I've found in my first month of play, lots of fun possibilities! Music can be downloaded for free here: or here Kendama used is a modified Duncan Komodo. And . . .
I have played with my cousins and the paint is actually pretty dang good but the your part doesn't really work much but lunars are a beast on these things
Takeshi Kamisato laced some pretty sick stuff on that. But I haven't seen him post a video with one of those lately.