Has anybody heard about Phantom kendama from the Gloken website? Here is a link. They look pretty sweet. The description says that they are in the shape of a mugen musou and are painted by Kazuma Iwata. https://gloken-store.net/collections/phantom-blue
It's interesting that they mentioned that the Phantom takes the shape of Musous. They look more like a hybrid between Mugens and Musous to me! Cases in point : the slip stall, and the absence of the balance hole on the base cup. And i'm highly curious to know if these retain the size or will they be slightly bigger than the Musous.
I have one! They're the shiguchi shape, with kazuma's paint. Good playability all around I'll post some pics of mine up... just got to Boston I need to dig it out of my bag...
I've seen these last week! Definitely would like to try one (also blue is my favorite color lol) but idk about shelling out for international shipping. I'm crossing my fingers hoping maybe kusa would carry them in the future?... i hope they're not. Aren't musous already slightly larger than standard size?
I've really wanted to try the Shiguchi Musou for a while now. These look like a more wallet friendly version made from beech. At $65 I might order one when I have some cash.
Photos! @azleonhart @nikki_deo they're the shiguchi shape/size. Same as musou for the main dimensions, so they're just a hair larger than JKA size. Smith pro mod / phantom blue / craft plus Ken spike does not have a string hole, sarado has a small slot
Saw a post about these on FKC, they actually look pretty sick. The blue and white is simple yet clean. I've never really dug the musou ken shape after playing with it, but this one has me curious.
I'm really desperate for a Shiguchi Walnut and Maple halfsplit. They look so nice and I could make some killer setups with it.
From reading this thread, it might be safe to imply that these are now a new "sub-brand" of Iwata Mokko? If that's the case, i highly applaud their efforts of making an affordable Musou for the masses! So stoked to get one sometime!
Looks like the Phantom has had time to settle in to the dama market by now judging by the date of this thread. I decided to snag one of these kendamas while I still have some spendable cash. It’s coming to my mailbox directly from Japan... excited!