DOWNSPIKE is seeking passionate, engaged members of the community to join the DS team. Duties include: Finding and posting interesting Kendama videos from around the interwebz Creating your own video content (like @Ben Lowe ) Featuring the best videos from other DS users on the home page Actively engaging in the forums (like @htimSxelA ) Posting to the @downspikeofficial Instagram Warning or removing problem users There is currently no financial compensation for moderating. But there are many perks! Benefits of being a DS moderator include: Swag from Downspike (before it hits our retail store) Swag from official Downspike advertising partners Direct access to industry insiders Being part of something that can transform and progress the kendama community. If you are interested in becoming a Downspike moderator, post in this thread! Let us know why you want to be a mod, and if you have any ideas to better the site and the app.
I would definitely be interested, anything I can do to give a little to this community. I will be filming my first video as soon as my package gets here from sweets, hopefully that goes well. I am a beginner so I couldn't promise the most advanced material. Dedication is something I can give you though.
I told my self i would do more with/for kendama. This sounds like a great way to stay involved. I would like to help as much as possible.
I'm definitely interested in becoming a moderator. I already try and find cool kendama videos for my personal edits playlist on YouTube, so I'd definitely post them on here when I find em. I've also been working on ideas for my own content (reviews, edits, unboxings, etc.); I actually just purchased a new DSLR to get myself started and committed instead of just thinking and never acting on it. I also try to engage in the forums as much as possible and offer my opinion or advice on whatever I can. I also "run" (quotations because I'm the only one who posts even though others have the pass) the page @sanfranciscokendama on Instagram, so I have some experience with public pages as opposed to a personal one. Something I also think is important for a moderator is to have a variety of damas/dama experience in your arsenal. I'm always been the kind of person that does the same thing because I know that it works for me. For example, I always order the same thing from Jamba Juice because I know that I like it. In the same way, I mostly have a lot of the same kendama brands just because I know that they work for me. In an effort to offer impartial opinions/suggestions for kendamas, I've been branching out and buying from brands that I usually don't buy from. Ben Lowe and Alex Smith are good examples. Ben buys from all different brands and does great, informative videos about them. Alex has two shops that have a combined total of over 200 different kinds of kendamas. Both of these guys can definitely offer great dama suggestions/ knowledge because they have the experience with a wide variety to do so. Along with trying to be active in the online kendama community, I also make an effort to go to any dama events or jams near my area to support the local scene. My Tuesdays have been dedicated to kendama in San Francisco for the last couple years, but I've recently started to attend the SanJoSlay seshes down in San Jose more. I'm lucky enough to live somewhere that has more than one weekly jam that kendama players/pros go to, so I've been trying to take more advantage of that. One of the things that somewhat irks me for Downspike is how there are multiple threads about the same topic. Because a lot of people migrated over from Facebook, they are treating Downspike like Facebook. On FB, you only have a certain amount of time before whatever you posted gets lost in the stream of all the other ones. A post from an hour ago can end up at the bottom of the timeline. I understand that a lot of users have never used anything forum-related like Downspike before, so they don't know proper forum etiquette. When I first started, I was unsure of how "The Sesh" worked too as I had never been on a forum. As a moderator, I would enjoy working with the other moderators and brainstorming ways to make sure that The Sesh doesn't just turn into a Facebook timeline where something is posted and then gets lost in the pages. Possibly turning Alex's "Welcome to The Sesh" thread into a screen that you can't exit unless you have read all the way through? Then again we all hit "I agree" to the Terms and Conditions for stuff without reading As for improving the app, I cannot think of anything. One of the main things that I wanted to change about the app was the sidebar menu, but since that was just updated, I'm liking the way it looks at the moment. Having "The Sesh" as a tab is cool since that forum probably gets the most activity. I'm trying to get more involved with kendama and really dive deeper, so I'm down to help out and moderate.
I would definitely be interested in becoming a moderator. I just moved back to Tucson as well so I would have access to my studio to film unboxings or general kendama videos. I have slumped off from Downspike for the last month or so because I was moving across the country but I will be picking things back up here shortly.
I would love to be a moderator for down Spike. I already spend most of my day searching YouTube for great Kendama videos. Also I am trying to start up a YouTube channel to be like the vlogging channel of kendama. I love making new tricks and showing people how to do them I would love to be a down Spike moderator.
I'm 100% up for this. I've been obsessed with kendama for a little over three years now, and it is a serious passion of mine. Kendama is the first thing in my life I've ever developed a collection of. I have Kendamas from companies large and small, from all over the world. I love everything about kendama, and with that, i appreciate trying out all of the different shapes/woods/paints/sizes. I have yet to really start uploading video content, but it is something I plan on in the near future. However, next to actually playing kendama, I absolutely love trying to get the best kendama photos I can. I'm no professional photographer, but I can honestly say that my love for kendama has really improved my photography skills. My Instagram page @mr.vonbraun is basically dedicated to kendama. I try and follow everyone kendama related on YouTube, so I feel like i could unleash some slayers maybe not everyone has seen. I love what Ben has done, and really enjoy seeing new people/groups pop up on YouTube (shout to Kendama Klub, those guys crack me up). I think about kendama on a daily basis, so I find myself on this app every day. Feel like it's time for me to step up and get more involved in the community I love.
Ill give credit where credit is due, i vote for @goenKendama to be a moderator. He is highly engaged in threads and helps promoting kendama overseas. He seems to be an ideal moderator that is level headed and someone you can trust with good judgement. Having a moderator in a different TZ would also alleviate moderators who are sound asleep in the states/canada.
I would absolutely love to become a moderator. Not only have i been striving to become a better player, but i think it would be cool to have someone who isn't all that amazing be a mod. If i became mod then this would 100% give me my incentive to start my own youtube dama channel. Even if i dont get picked it was still fun posting because i cant get off this app ha ha
I would personally LOVE to! But I am BOGGED down by school AND I don't think I am old enough. But I would love to give back to the community that has given me so much. Also I nominate @Michael Joseph Reeves because he has given SO much to the community and I think he could give even MORE (hard to imagine LOL) as a Mod.
Wow thanks dude that means a to.. I dont have the time to dedicate to being a mod, but i really appreciate that. This is only the beginning tho!