Shout outs to Cheech and Colin for this super awesome, super necessary addition to our online community. Even though I'm an admin on FKC and love it, at the end of the day, this is the true spot, and will eventually reign supreme in comparison for the die hard dam fam. Colin, I know be-mag was an inspiration for this. Haha. PS. How many people still pronounce you guys' name "Sanders" not "Sander" @Cheech_Sander ???
@P0WAH0USE! You are astute in noticing the Be-mag influence. I had over 8,000 posts on there at one point. It was such a good way to meet up, share spots and tricks, get your edits seen, and buy / sell stuff. You did a great job on FKC. But sometimes the facebook feed is just SO saturated. It will always have it's purpose but hopefully this is a little easier to find stuff. Whenever somebody calls me "sanders" I just stick an -S on the end of their name.
This is such an awesome way to bring everyone together and communicate! Thanks a ton!!! @Cheech_Sander
I still hear people say Sanders, and then I say "Sander?", they come back quickly with "Yeah, Sanders, That's what I said." This has happened on numerous occasions. hahaha I like the rebuttal of adding an S to their last name though Cheech! But agreed with Ian, This was much needed.