Hello Downspike, I am selling some of my sweets collection to buy a kotodama and gas *PRICE DROP!! *****Coop mod ken and splatter split ken switched in picture. I didnt realize that until now but if you want it like that you can certainly buy it.***** HG Tamas: Left to right: Cushion Goblin spec stripe (9/10) [{//SOLD//}] , natty goblin maple stripe (9/10)//SOLD//, Cushion Fruit punch maple stripe (9/10) 20$ shipped each, 50$ for all 3 Damas: Left to right: NextGen goblin with maple tama (9.5/10) (Tama can be switched with one of the tamas above it if you want, but the maple one is insane for stalls) - 44$ //SOLD// Green/Yellow Atack fade on an OG HG Maple ken [NextGen sticker, but OG ken shape] (9/10) - 35$** Fuchsia Flash NextGen HG Natty spectra stripe (9/10) - 35$** //SOLD// Splatter split tama (7.5/10) with f3 ken (10/10) - 15$* Coop mod [NextGen seal on coop mod ken] (9/10) - 20$ //SOLD// Taffy Fade on a promod ken [no seal] (9/10) - 20$* Prime stripe Fiesta (9/10) - 15$* Let me know if you have any questions or want closeup pics of anything. Pm me if you want to buy anything
Hey Brother! I know there has been a lot of conversations here ,just wondering if there is anything leftover as of today (Wednesday )and pricing at this point. Thanks again. C