Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Favorite Form of Social Media

Discussion in 'Non-Dama Drama' started by Cobikaze, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. Cobikaze

    Cobikaze Honed Member

    Nov 1, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA
    What is your favorite form of social media? and why?

    I personally love Instagram because of the focus on visuals and the simplistic format.
    Nov 6, 2016
  2. rTTn

    rTTn Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Denver, CO
    I love discord but the rest of the world hasnt caught on. Otherwise I agree with you on Instagram. Could've done without the snapchat story ripoff thing and the changes to how the feed works. Also, Reddit is life.
    Nov 6, 2016
  3. Cobikaze

    Cobikaze Honed Member

    Nov 1, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA

    I understand about the feed changes but I actually liked the story thing because I was never a huge snap user lol. HMM very interesting! I will have to check Discord out.
    Nov 6, 2016
  4. Ben Lowe

    Ben Lowe Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Port Angeles, WA
    I'm not sure everyone considers it "social media," but I'm super into YouTube right now. Great for connecting with others and having conversations to me, moreso than insta, facebook, and snap which all have the same problem of things just kind of going away, scrolling down the page. YouTube in essence is a search engine, and I think there is a lot of great things you can do there that you can't do elsewhere. Here's a video I just did that can only be done on YouTube IMO and lends itself a bit more toward conversation:

    That being said, I think instagram is great, and only recently have been getting into snapchat. Facebook is okay but I'm not really a big fan. I do like how different social media platforms can benefit and relate to one another. You use different ones for different things. :)
    Nov 6, 2016
  5. Cobikaze

    Cobikaze Honed Member

    Nov 1, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA

    DUUUUUUUUDDDDDEEE... I am totally digging this youtube video!!!!!!! Keep it up man! I just subscribed to your channel because I can't wait to see your future vids. I was thinking about getting a youtube going as well haha. Just haven't gotten to it yet.

    Yeah it is so awesome how different forms of social media fit different functions. I didn't even think of youtube but you are totally right. Youtube is a huge platform!

    Any beginner advice on getting some videos started? Any problems that you have had that you could forewarn me of?
    Nov 7, 2016
  6. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    @Ben Lowe nice review(s).

    you should post it to DS! Just copy and paste the youtube URL. You'll still get the views on your channel, it will just show up in our queue too.
    Nov 7, 2016
  7. Ben Lowe

    Ben Lowe Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Port Angeles, WA
    Thanks! I'm super self-conscious, haha. My videos all are so "home-made" feeling compared to the fire that people post here. I almost didn't even post this vid to this thread...

    Right now I'm in the mode of just making videos as often as possible (quantity first) with the hopes that they will get better over time and I can develop a style and rhythm. I'm also experimenting a lot with different kinds of videos too. I'll think about it, maybe wait until I have a really good one??
    Nov 7, 2016
    7Cabbages likes this.
  8. Ben Lowe

    Ben Lowe Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Port Angeles, WA
    Thanks man I appreciate it!!

    Youtube is so weird. Its a massive sea of stuff, so it is easy to get lost in it and overlooked. Brands and Pros don't have this problem so much of course. But I see a lot of great stuff out there that nobody seems to be watching which I find a shame. On the other hand, the folks that can get noticed and rise up usually make some really stellar or at least worthwhile stuff.

    Beginner advice? I'm still a beginner! But this is what I did: If you look through my channel, I started making videos in earnest on July 1. I had only been playing kendama for like 2 weeks. I made myself make 1 video per day, every day for a month (30 tricks in 30 days) to push myself to get better and also get more videos going. Plus I thought it might be neat (if not cringe-worthy) to document my progress. Since that month, I've focused on quantity. Just make videos as much as I can, put them out there even if I'm nervous or self-conscious of them (which I always am) with the hopes that I will get better and kind of figure out my style, my voice, etc. I'm experimenting a lot with different kinds of videos to see what works, what I like, what others like, etc.

    Biggest thing on youtube when you start is don't get discouraged if nobody watches. I've been slowly building a small audience, but it has only been because I've constantly been making videos (like over 65) over the course of 3-4 months. Just hit 170 subscribers which is very small by youtube standards, but seems like a lot of people to me! If you're familiar at all with Casey Neistat, he basically says just start making videos. You'll only learn if you start somewhere and you'll only get better if you practice. So I'm hoping that I will look back on my videos in several months to a year and find that I've improved a lot since then.

    Hope that helps, let me know if you (or anyone else) has any more questions. I find this stuff very interesting and like to talk about it, even as someone who is just getting started.

    I'm always super impressed with the videos that people put out for edits and the big companies that are so professional and well done. I don't have the cameras or editing software or knowledge yet for that kind of stuff, but maybe I'll work up toward it. :)
    Nov 7, 2016
    htimSxelA and Cobikaze like this.
  9. Cobikaze

    Cobikaze Honed Member

    Nov 1, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Thank you so much for the insane amount of knowledge, advice, and inspiration. The way you talk and present your videos seems so top notch already! Congrats on 170 man!! I can already see you becoming a huge part of the dama community. Dont stop what you are doing. I really appreciate the long response. Keep grinding brotha!!!
    Nov 9, 2016
    Ben Lowe likes this.
  10. Cobikaze

    Cobikaze Honed Member

    Nov 1, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Dude that video was prime... I think that you should really post it up!!!
    Nov 9, 2016
    Ben Lowe likes this.
  11. Ben Lowe

    Ben Lowe Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Port Angeles, WA
    Thanks! I'm having fun doing it, that's the main thing. :) It is a great outlet for some creativity that I've always wanted to explore but never really had the chance (or guts) to before. I'm an old guy getting started kinda late, but I figure better late than never!
    Nov 9, 2016
  12. Cobikaze

    Cobikaze Honed Member

    Nov 1, 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Everybody could say that they started kinda late if they compared themselves to Haruichi hahaha. He is only 7 years old!!! If you haven't seen him shred yet, his Instagram username is @haruichi.furuta
    Nov 9, 2016
    Ben Lowe likes this.
  13. RyanArthurWalker

    RyanArthurWalker Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Washington, DC
    I Love YouTube with all my heart but recently Instagram is infringing on that space. I miss long form edits and like desktops more than my cell phone.
    Nov 13, 2016
    Ben Lowe likes this.
  14. Chad Covington

    Chad Covington Slayer

    Sep 30, 2016
    Lexington, KY
    YouTube is my favorite, but Instagram is a close second, and Facebook isn't far behind!
    Nov 14, 2016
  15. htimSxelA

    htimSxelA Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    Snapchat is how I actually communicate with a lot of friends around the world. I used to like instagram a lot more, but these days I don't trust it to keep me up to date, its more like an advertistment / best of compilation feed now.

    Youtube has remained classic. I prefer a youtube edit over instagram 'edits'.
    Real talk: if you post a kendama clip on insta and have some 10s intro for it, I promise I won't watch. Shoutout to the COTK guys for keepin clips concise!

    Scroll -> clip starts -> epic maneuvers happening immediately -> double tap that -> keep scrolling.
    Nov 14, 2016
  16. Chad Covington

    Chad Covington Slayer

    Sep 30, 2016
    Lexington, KY
    Your description of one's attention span while surfing Instagram is so true. It's crazy how quickly we move through Instagram, but when it comes to sitting down and watching a 10 minutes + edit on YouTube it's easy.
    Nov 14, 2016
  17. Colin Hislop

    Colin Hislop Member

    Nov 15, 2016
    Sandpoint, Idaho
    I like Instagram, Youtube, and Snapchat. If DS is considered social media, I think it is working its way up to my favorite though. I would like to see fewer clips posted on IG, and more kendama related photos. I like seeing quality feeds that show some great photos of kendamas, as well as what different members of the community are up to. I want people to stack clips for weeks (maybe even months) like they did back in the day, and drop 2-5 minute Youtube edits. Once it gets past that length, it is too long for me personally. Snapchat is great because at any moment, I can pull out my phone and see all of the ridiculous tricks that Sam Cannon has sent me. That is a great motivator to get out and play some dama.

    I love this new DS community. It isn't flooded with silly posts and drama. It is just dedicated kendama players that want to talk kendama in every way, shape, and form. This is exactly what I wanted, but I didn't even know I wanted it.

    @Ben Lowe Your videos are looking super good so far! The more you practice and try new things, the better they will get. Keeping a blog/site/channel active is one of the best ways to gain a following. They will come with time!
    Nov 15, 2016
    Congarranza and Ben Lowe like this.
  18. triggerscold

    triggerscold Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    forumz or redditt
    Nov 16, 2016
  19. Joel Clayton

    Joel Clayton Honed Member

    Nov 24, 2016
    St. George, UT
    instagram and youtube all the way. especially Instagram.
    Nov 25, 2016
  20. Aloysius_hung_

    Aloysius_hung_ Honed Member

    Dec 8, 2016
    Instagram cos its so simple to use and most people use it so i can connect with the community
    Jan 29, 2017