Has anyone ever landed a trick they tried to grind out for a long time and then after you land it you go back to playing normally and all of a sudden you land multiple tricks you have been trying to stick for a while? I landed my first Lunar last night and then when I played today I wasn't focusing on lunars and then landed my first one turn airplane, two turn lighthouse, fast hand stunt plane, and 1-2-3 J stick, all within about 5 minutes.
I think the days that happens to me (which has only been 3 times or so), it's mostly because I am able to focus a lot better than usual. For some reason, that just happens sometimes, and you get some golden sessions. I got my first double turntable, two-turn airplane and double UFO the same day. It just happens. Good and bad days a like.
I agree with @bonerkid, some days it is much easier to get in the zone. Part of dama is learning how to get in that zone, and control your actions more subtly. Once you do that, all sorts of tricks will become easier, so it all makes sense
@Angelo Saček noticed that he plays better in the morning and i agree. Morning sessions are the best. Fresh out of a bed, coffee to go, breakfast to go and kendama on your favorite lace space. Best mornings. And about grinding one trick non stop. We tend to get stuck in repetitive movements. Fail and try fail and try ... making all the same errors and not changing single movement. You should stop for a min. Try some different trick and be mindefull on the small movements. Adjust your self
Muscle memory is blowing my mind every time I play kendama, you took the words outta my mouth with this post.
Damn! I love those kinds of days and I love getting in the "hone zone". Part of the reason Mateo, Williams, & DJ Panic are my spirit animals is their dancing style of play. Dancing is like a freedom to me unlike any other, to be able to dance and lace cool tricks is the best feeling ever. landed my first spacewalk to lighthouse the other day while jamming to music and had the biggest smile on my face the rest of the day.
Growth happens in spurts. Then there are plateaus while you reacclimate to you're new senses, strengths, growth. But that doesn't mean growth is not happening during the plateaus. It just looks different.
Lots of people call it the "Hone Zone" I've "traveled" there a couple times when I learned about 20 different new tricks in 10 minutes.
People don't generally realize this, but practicing too much, makes your muscles stiff and sore. And you can't force these muscles to relax. So, when you're grinding that taptaptap juggle spike, and you're not getting it, the best thing is to set a clear, and defined limit for yourself. For me, i set a 60 minute limit for any single trick. If i fail, i drop it for an hour minimum, and i can try again for an hour more. Quantity is not what dictates a good session, rather the quality, that matters more. The miracle of the human body, is that in all that stiffness and soreness, the muscles have "programmed" the movements you were trying to do, but YOU need to stop and rest, and let the muscles "save" said movements to the brain, so it comes naturally without thinking. This is why it is said that the best time to study, is close to bedtime, then sleep it off (rest and "save point").
i hit my first quad tap after just grinding for 20 minutes and then proceeded to do consecutive spammers like whirlwinds and j-sticks