When I started string tricks I just did spacewalk until I could get the tama grab down. Messed with getting spacewalk to spike and lighty. Then, I threw in a handroll because spacewalk sets you up perfectly. Definitely the easiest little string line imo.
Guys these suggestions and ideas are awesome! Thanks so much. This is one of the reasons I love Downspike so much.
1. handroll 2. spacewalk 3. carousel or tornado which ever comes easier 4. swirl 5. and that one string transition trick from one of uriel's tutorials The reason i don't have moon circle on here is because there are 2 ways to catch mooncircles (ken grip). I recommend getting your spacewalks down and then moving onto tama mooncircles, then finally moving to ken mooncircles learning saragrip catches first then reg ken grip catches (which i personally find harder). Also when it comes to string tricks string length and weights play a big role. In order to be successful with your tricks i recommend string no longer than a tight 4 fingers (it will feel unwieldy if it's too long). And in terms of weights don't play with a super light ken, i recommend playing with medium to heavy weights. (also make sure it's relatively weight matched) And play over carpet or grass!!! String tricks are some of my favorites, can't wait to see you learn them! (also don't neglect to learn butterfly like i did, finally learned it only a few months ago!)
Thanks for this @Ben Lowe! This is the kick in the pants i need to learn some string tricks. I have been putting most of them off as well for almost a year. Just busted out a super janky cold pizza for the first time So fun! thanks @htimSxelA for the tutorial! Also, high noon is super fun and pretty chill. It was the first "string trick" that I learned (not sure if it is even really considered a string trick though...)
Also, string tricks require less concentration than most kendama tricks when you get them down so they're pretty good to do in between high focus sessions I think.
Hi Ben! As a string tricks guy, here are my recommendations for the first 3-5 string tricks: 1. Flying V (or trapeze, as some would call it) 2. Cold Pizza 3. Spacewalk (a harder trick to learn at first but it becomes a great addition to your repertoire once you get it down) 4. Handroll (natural follow up to spacewalk) 5. Sweets special Tip: Practice on grass.
I'm in the opposite boat. I can spacewalk in, but every time I try to handroll I end up destroying everything around me..
Handroll, swirl, tornado. More advanced ones would be butterfly, handwrap, and this weird butteryfly switch finger thing.
I 100% think you should start with - Spacewalk, airplane. (work on catching both underhand and overhand) - then spacewalk handroll to big cup - then work on spiking without big cup
What are some string tricks that are good to begin with? I’ve completely avoided string tricks up until this point.
@ShovelLovell Had a similar thread going so merged yours so everyone can see the previous suggestions.