There might be something wrong with my computer or phone but I can't find them on there website? Are they not selling them? Does this mean maybe new pro mods soon?
I think they are putting a new paint on the pro mods, but I could be completely wrong lol. I have seen a few pros having pro clear/glossy-looking pro mods. Also they are not on the site.
Sold out for the moment. I think up next is a glossy coat over the same 70/30 painted tamas. No word just yet whether they are pro clear, phase1, or prime…or that new new…
Yes they are completely sold out of the cushion clears. Probably never to be made again, but I've seen people like Louke and Matt with the glossy pro mods as these wonderful people up here mentioned, but yeah they will probably have another drop, just not the same paint.
It's possible that they'll be switching to the Next Gen/Prime shape since I believe the original ones were based on the F3.
I could be wrong but I thought the Pro mods were kinda their own shape. They felt different than the F3, I gave away my F3 before I got my promod so I am basing this off of how I remember it felt.
The shape of the pro mods were based on the F3 shape, but yes they were their own shape at the same time. I cant say for sure what the differences were between the two, though. It would be sick to see the pro mods come out with the Phase 1 clear, but definitely would prefer the Pro mod/F3-esque shape.
I think the pro mods had bigger cups and a slightly fatter handle, but the difference between them was minor.
The first run of Pro Mods were essentially F3s. There may have been certain shape modifications to them, but as far as I am aware, they're pretty true to the F3 shape. They do distinctly feel different than the other F3 releases but that may have to do with them being maple more than the actual shape. As for new release, I wouldn't be surprised if Sweets did re release them on a Prime shape, and with a new paint finish. As much as I love the Primes, I will miss when Sweets stops selling the F3 shape - I'm more partial to it than the Prime. I do hope that they do the new Pro Mods with Phase 1 Clear though! Now that I've jammed mine some more, I have to say it may be some of Sweets nicest paint release ever. Which is saying a lot because Sweets paint finishes are always great.
@MattSweets announced that they would keep the OG HG line. That's essentially an F3. Unfortunately, they don't make a beechwood Ken in HG. But hopefully these other hardwoods stay available for a while as an option in the future.
Very true. I am also a big fan of the classic HG shape so I'm glad those are sticking around! The F3 shape is definitely based on those classic HGs, but something about their shape feels different to me. Same for the Next Gen vs. the Primes. I do think that Sweets does slightly different things for their standard vs premium lines in terms of shape in addition to wood type. Not sure what that is in terms of the F3s, but I do think they feel different than the classic HGs. Probably why with my Max Norcross Pro Mod, it definitely feels like a F3 and not a HG, even though it's maple.
I think the difference is in the production quality control. The F3's and Primes are made overseas in very large quantities at a time. Whereas the homegrown line, as you know, are manufactured close to home. Different machinery, different eyes, different hands, and different standards of deviation will create a similar shape rather than an exact replica. My only F3 is in my glove compartment for safe keeping. I hardly ever leave home without a setup, but if I ever do I know I have one in the car. Sometimes I love leaving the house without one because it gives me a chance to session that F3. RIP F3, you will be missed by the community…
I played exactly this Max Norcross' dama at KendamaClash in Berlin. It slays. It is maple prime shape, prime clear max norcross pro mod. It slays like prime, but it is maple and pro mod color way. About F3, is there anyone who like the F3 string hole position?
I may have to squirrel away a couple of spare F3s just for good measure. The Prime shape hasn't quite grown on me yet but I keep picking one up to jam now and again just to see if I feel differently about it.
I have one NextGenHG in maple, but I am not too attracted to it, as well. My Ken is just too light for my liking: 64g. The shape has its pros and the only con I have for it is the long spike (although that has a perk in lunar balance). I'll keep it around and how to unlock a few tricks with it.