Gloken Homepage: Facebook Page (please look for post LEGAXIS): A new competition kendama manufactured by Yonemura Mokko (Woordworking) Ltd. and under the supervision of Global Kendama Network has been announced and set to release on July 22nd at Kendama World Cup! I am not too sure on the detail on competition approved (such as JKA approved) but I'm assuming it approved for KWC. What is everyone's overall thought on the new kendama? For people that are going to KWC, will you be looking into trying one out? Note: will be updating post later for more details.
Looks similar to a Next Gen, but I think that it'll be a pretty good kendama that can do slingers pretty well while also keeping a good lunar balance.
I love the looks of it. And the seal looks pretty rad too. I'll def. Snag one when it becomes a possibility.
I doubt it will be JKA since the cups are oversized. The slip stop is unique, to say the least. That seal is fabulous! Tama is a neat take on half splits.
Yeah defiantly not JKA approved. That would be nuts though! JKA likes everything to be.... ummm... standard size!
I definitely worded this poorly but yes I don't think it'll be JKA approved. That has to go through JKA who is super old school and don't like changes as I read from other posts. What is also interesting is that TK16 Original was announced today that is also supervised by Gloken. Gloken Link:
The Legaxis looks really nice as does the Tk16 original. However it doesn't look much like a Tk16 to my eyes.
Definitely will not be JKA approved haha. Lookin super clean! I'll post some pics up once I have one in my hands, hopefully that'll happen pre-KWC
I will paypal someone to get me one from KWC (if that's the only place they will be available.) Serious.
Yeah I'm really hoping that they have a batch for online sale but who knows. I'll do the same thing as you though if anyone is willing to do that!
It's being supervised by Gloken so I wouldn't be surprised if they put them up online sometimes after KWC. Also I feel like KUSA might sell these after KWC.
I actually want this so bad, Ben. Definitely will get some folks to ship one back to me! I don't know why, but it looks like a more crisp Homegrown to me.