I say the entire thing is 24 karat gold with paint over it...24k is pure gold right? It only weights around 95 pounds.
Looks nice! Though I would love to see a KWC trophy that is pure wood, not painted. So many epic designs can be made using wood alone!
I’m thinking about the tamas Kazuma made in 2015*. Those are a work of art! (*EDIT : Sorry, i actually meant 2014!)
My bad, it’s actually the 2014 KWC edition tama. For some funny reason, it’s a very difficult image to find. But notice the multi-laminate tama in all of the images:
@Congarranza good find! Hadn't watched that before. The alpha-run (first batch) padauk Terra was in there too! I remember Max purchasing that... probably like 5 years ago now! Its an oldie!