3rd try J stick -> j stick -> j stick -> double j stick -> double j stick -> triple j stick Super stoked on this
Got a few quick tricks in today, finished off a game of DAMA with a one turn to stilt, flip back to stilt, flip in woo!
I finally figured out how to do luners and now I've done 30 probably after trying to learn them for a long time. Some may think that's weak but I play by myself 95 percent of the time so I have no one pushing me to learn new tricks. So to me that seems like huge milestone
Made a new setup: Pro Clear Marble tama on a Prime Ken. Turns out it's an underbird machine. Underbird Eclipse.
Bump! Laced this flow line for Dave Mateo's #KUSASTYLE contest on Instagram! I am absolutely stoked with this trick.
Still very much a beginner, but the fact that I can fairly consistently hit pull up kenflip spike is pretty awesome. I think I want to work on late kenflips now so I can progress to whirlwinds. Any tips? Sloppy catch but I was able to do some stuff after so I put it up. Plus I was in a rush (hence the tie)
I'm not a late kenflip guy, but instead of flipping the ken on pull up, pull up the tama like you were gonna catch in big cup, but make the pull up lofty to give you more time. While the tama is in mid-air, do a really quick kenflip; the flick should be really fluid and fast so as to make it in time for the catch. Same tip for whirlwinds: high and lofty earth turn, with a quick kenflip so as to catch the tama on the spike.
After trying to figure out gypsy flips yesterday before bed, i decided to go ham and try it out today!