This rhinestone cat looks a bit like it's sitting on a ceramic ken but I think it's just the way it's painted.
I almost forgot about this company, until Gloken recently announced a partnership with them, via the Legaxis. Saw them display their wonderful craft during KWC, last year. Yonemura Mokko (Woodworking) is a company based in the Tottori prefecture, and they make delicate works of art that can be purchased at a pretty decent price, considering the craftsmanship. Check this site out, or check the images below: Mirrored tama : Fujin (behind) and Raijin, the Shintō gods of wind and lightning, respectively : Custom engravings on tamas allow you to make it personal :
These are all amazing!!! That futbol seashell flower power is my favorite! @Cheech_Sander theres another mirrored tama besides the KROM. Also @teejkolesnik make waves? Lastly, does anyone know what string they use?
Looks like it's the real silk string made by that company that also makes the ropes for kimono but that's just from eyeballing it.
That's what I was thinking. I'd love to get my hands on some. Maybe I'll get a roll. I'm sure some Americans cans will be interested in trying it out. I'll ask around the Asian community around here if there is something available in my local stores.
On the site above it works out to about $5 per string. I don't think they sell by the "roll" if they did you'd be looking at some serious coin.
that would look cool if the pupil was the tama hole, and the green part of the eye provided a 70/30 tracking. Just thinking about it, that would be amazing
LOL I like how this lineup of just beautiful tamas ends with one that just says 'brown' Awesome stuff those. The side7studio stuff is always so on point too! I reeeally want one of these so bad, I always miss the releases though
Funny part is that the Kanji characters aren't really what they use for "brown" they used characters that phonetically say brown. I was lucky to snag some of the Side7studio items including one of the Ironman looking kendama holders. I hope they release more of those SLS "printed" items in the future. They're really cool.
I love this picture, so I thought it is kinda art I did it after grinding a combo for my edit, and it is crazy good IMO. Whatdo you think?
One of the best kendama paint jobs i've seen - the Kenholix Grunge Marble. I am absolutely stunned as to how this looks, and further stupefied in trying to figure out how this was painted.
Painted by hand those are, at this moment, the best custom paint jobs in existence! Kaya fell off the market, now its all about kenholix and otakencustom