UPDATE: 10/13/17 Voting is now OPEN for the best meme. Unfortunately our poll maxxes out at 10 options, so these were our top 10! Whoever has the most votes by Monday October 16th WINS a Krom POP of their choice @AdrianEsteban started a pretty epic thread on FKC filled with memes. We especially liked the movie poster memes. SO, make us a movie poster / kendama meme and the funniest one wins a Krom POP of your choice! Runner up gets some DS stickers. RULES: - Unlimited entries as long as they are new memez - Contest runs until FRIDAY 10/13 at which point it will open for voting - You guys pick the funniest movie poster with a Vote on Friday - Contest open worldwide, void where prohibited. GET MS PAINTING! -The DS Dæmon
Oh yeah and if you make'd these memez, feel free to repost them as an entry. Not trying to steal anyones thorneder.