Anyone ever seen a kendama that has been converted into an herb pipe? I read the term Klack Pipe somewhere, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen one. I would love to see/have/make/sell/buy a Smoke n’ Slay functional herb pipe that you can still jam on. Any information from a fellow smoker or kendama manufacturer/modifier would be killer!!!
I remember having seen something as you described and funny enough I just today talked to a friend how convenient it would be to use a ken as a pipe haha Also (not jammable but still pretty dope): -- this post is here to follow the topic and spread information nobody asked for --
There was a company called Zoot Kendamas but they aren’t up anymore, their Instagram is still up tho and it’s in there somewhere as well as some other cool stuff
There are lots of pro's that smoke, It's more up to them personally if they choose to let it be publicly known. Those who chose to keep it private it do so mostly because they don't want to influence kids or have the kids parents in their grill about it. Not saying anything wrong with either way. If I were a public figure myself I wouldn't care so much about weed smoke as I would ciggy's or booze as they are so much worse for you.
Smoking shouldn’t be stigmatized. Whether you smoke or not you should be comfortable with your own lifestyle. If you are confident in the decisions you make in life and you represent yourself honestly, any criticism of your actions should never cause you regret.
I mean medicinal weed's been legal in Cali for a while, and now its legal for recreational use. Also, I think Sweets is linking with these people because they have a massive reach. Doesn't matter if they smoke weed. The No Jumper guys have done some crazy things for kendama. I never in my life thought that I would see a rapper play with a kendama
RIP Klack kendama. They did make a kendama/pipe/bowl set up that worked both ways. It's no secret mj and dama go together like pb and j.
Have you ever seen one? I’m trying to find out how they made it, so I can do it myself. Every time I try using a drill or press, I split the sword in half.
This is the zoot pipe I mentioned. Don’t know if this will help you execute yours but figured I’d post it.
And it has a carb (I think that’s what they were calling a turbo) What!!!??? Looks like you hit it from the basecup.
Pretty sick kenpipe but probably not that jammable haha -EDIT- Apparently this pipe was made by this guy: