i think id have to agree with @CodyGriz this has the potential to be HUUUUGE for the community and i really do hope it does do well. IMO my only concern is that this will be the beginning of the era in time when rollerblading was super popular then got smeared and thrust out of big contests and became something super underground and exclusive. Not that id hate that at all but id rather have at least one hobby not be Barely Dead... heh
Nationwide?!? None of the Targets in my district had them and they aren't available online. Anyone have the same issue?
Yep I've checked three targets in Portland and no luck yet. These were all pretty big targets in the heart of the city so I assume they move a lot of stuff as well. I've called a couple out in the suburbs as well and let me tell you, trying to describe a kendama to the 16 year old kid working the toy section is NOT ideal. I feel like we should write a script here we can all use for this purpose haha
Lol just checked another. I asked the person in the toy section if they could check in the back and they said someone had already asked yesterday
Now they need to get into hobby shops. There is one near me and they have a bunch of garbage damas in there. This could change dama in a huge way. Good move.
me and my girlfriend both purchased one today, I like it nothing crazy but I love being able to just run up to target and get a sweets that I did not already have, plus hopefully buying them makes target want to keep getting more
Not sure if it’s targets nationwide or just my local ones but right now the dot bursts are $12.99 buy 2 get third free so essentially $8and some change each!