My KUSA order came just now. sadly I am not a winner but I still get to play with my first Wyatt champ mod!
My first krom pop arrived about 10 minutes ago it totally slays and the order came with krom branded chocolate coins.The cups are humongous. Oh and I choose the yellow if you were wondering.
With the last cyber week package from krom, I think the damage is done. Haha the wallet took a big, fat L. I've been jamming the DWIs lately :3 Also majority of the pops are gifts, so it's not all for me hahaha ._.' Also YAY green and red primes for christmas! ^_^
Not necessarily a homegrown but it's a Sweets rolling pin nonetheless. It's oak/rosewood and if im not mistaken it was turned by Uptown Joe.
I scored the GT-BH drop on monday, the Luzumaki x Slayers CLub Collab, and a krom shirt and 7 year bday as well!
Not exactly Black Friday deals but did order the new Blue Mind from Analog (been wanting one since seeing Steve tease it in some of his IG stories) and commissioned a custom tama from Sourmash.
Have you played a squab yet? I’ve been weirdly resistant to picking one up for some reason but am starting to feel like I should get one next time the rosewood or hickory drops.
I’m the same way I feel like since anolog is not huge company that the squabs won’t play very well. But I’m sure the opposite is true.
Not yet, but Baldo (owner) and Steve (flow team) are homies and Steve made it nearly undefeated in AM Open at MKO using a Squab (landed in 4th place). Looking at it more, the shape of at least the cups reminds me of the Legaxis cups, but with a seemingly slimmer sword. I know a good deal of people who play Squabs and they seem to really enjoy and do well with them.
Copped a V16 and V13 from sweets A satin blue mind from analog And a Goon mod from terra My pockets hurt
A kromx430 slaydawg with Black stripe A nihon ash slaydawg And a Big brother maple kintsugi with a bootyhole from kendama.isr